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(It's the last chapter. I'm so sad to end it here I might actually cry. Damn though, the chapters flew by so fast. I can't believe this is the last one. But I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.)


I then notice something glowing on the ground. I bend over to pick it up, its one of Ark's rings. I hold it in my fist and hold my fist close to my heart before dashing outside. I wipe away the tears and smile wide before looking up at the sky. I put the ring around my wrist and dash back inside the lab. Just knowing that Ark is coming back to us makes my heart feel like its flying. I can't wait until Tails is done rebuilding him, then I can wrap him in my arms again. It's just a matter of time until he is.

Tails's P.O.V

"And...Done!" I say putting on the final touches. And by that, I mean the blue highlights. Ark isn't gonna be the same without them. I've spent about three months rebuilding him and making sure that he operates properly. Ray and Sally were helping me get the parts, arrange them in the correct way and gather enough power to start him up. I just had to put the final touches on him before starting him up. But, I can't do that right now. I have to wait until everyone is here to do it.

"Hey buddy, how is it going?" Sonic asks walking into the lab.

"I've just finished adding the final touches. He's finally done!" I say wiping the sweat off my head. Sonic looks to Ark and smiles.

"He's looking pretty good there Tails. Nice job." He says patting me on the back.

"Thanks. Now all we need to do is call every one here and see if he works." I say.

"That won't be a problem." Sonic says before dashing out of the lab. Soon after, everyone gathers in the lab. They all look really excited. I can't wait to start him up. These last few months have been really challenging for all of us. I had to put off training with Knuckles a few times to finish building. But now that I'm done it'll all be worth it...I hope.

Sonic's P.O.V

The moment I dash out of the lab, I try finding where the team is. But that's shouldn't be too hard since normally they're all in one spot most of the time mainly to just talk and keep each other company. Knux told me that he was going inside to take relax for a bit. Chances are that the others are there as well. I dash to the house and get there in no time at all. As I suspected, every one is there.

"Hey guys, we all gotta go to the lab now." I say.

"But I thought Tails didnt want us in there until he finished with Ark." Silver says.

"Well, he's finally done with Ark, and he told me that he wants everyone in the lab when he switches him on." I say.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go." Mighty says.

"Yeah, we wouldn't wanna keep Ark waiting." Knuckles adds. With that we all start going to the lab. Soon everyone gathers in the lab.

"Alright Tails, that's everyone." Silver says.

"Perfect, when let's see if he'll operate." Tails says. He then goes to his mega computer and starts pretting on the keyboard. After a while the wires hooked up to Ark start glowing blue, and the highlights on him start glowing too. Then the power flows to a chaos diverter installed over Ark's head with all seven chaos emeralds are hooked up to the machine. And as soon as the power flows to the diverter the energy from the emeralds are absorbed into Ark's body. His highlights glow brighter than they were before. So bright that we have to shield our eyes from it. The glow fades after a while and we stop covering our eyes.

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