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(Part 2 of the sad and the depressing. Try reading this without crying. If you can, then you're an awesome person. If you do cry however, you're caring which makes you an even better person.)

"Tails, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have dashed off like that. If I hadn't then you wouldn't be in this state now. I failed to protect you, I failed my most important job. I'm sorry Tails, I'm sorry." I sob. I kneel down beside his bed and put my hand on his cheek. I then give him a soft and gentle hug, tears still running from my eyes.

Your P.O.V

I stand there patiently, waiting for Sonic to come back from Tails's room. I'm very worried about both him and Tails. Silver is still trying to calm down the kids. I'm curious because says that Tails was hurt badly, I don't know how though. I decide to go and ask him what happened.

"It's okay guys, Tails is gonna be just fine." He says. I walk towards them and put a hand on their shoulders. But they quickly look back and run closer towards silver.

"Stay away from us!" They all scream at the same time. I get really confused. Why would they not want me around them? They knowni wouldn't want to hurt them. I decide to ask Silver but just as I'm about to everyone comes rushing downstairs.

"Whats going on? We heard the kids screaming." Blaze says creating a fireball in her hands. They turn to face me and have scared expressions on heir faces, all except for Knuckles, he has a furious look on his face rather than a scared one.

"You asshog! This is all your fault!" He shouts pointing a finger in my face.

"Me!? What did I do!?" I say confused.

"Dont play dumb with me! You know exaxtly what you did! The reason Tails is in the state he's in is because of you!" He shouts.

"W-What do you mean?" I stutter.

"He's in a coma from his injuries as far as we know. And the reason behind it is..." Sally says trailing off, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What? Tell me!" I say feeling anxious.

"It's because of you." She continues. I feel my heart sink, or at least what I think is my heart. I can't be the reason Tails is hurt, can I?

"No, no it can't be right, I would never hurt him. You all know that." I say starting to tear up. The thought of me hurting one of my close friends hurts me just as much. But I dont have much time to think about it. I feel a fist colliding with my face. I already know who it came from. Knuckles.

"Looks like we were wrong. You're nothing but a danger to us, and to the entire world!" He says. I cover the spot where he hit me with my hand and start feel a deep sadness. But that feeling quickly turns into rage. I feel my highlights flickering red and my eyes changing to black and red. (Exactly like this, scary I know)

My hands ball up into fists and I charge towards him and sucker punch him in the stomach

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My hands ball up into fists and I charge towards him and sucker punch him in the stomach. I hear him let out a groan and pick him up before pinning him on a wall. The others try to break us up but somehow some kind of red force-field appears around me, I barely notice it though. I'm too focused on what I'm doing right now. I hear the others yelling from outside, telling me to stop. I don't listen to them. But then I hear someone rush down the stairs. I turn to see Sonic there at the bottom, he turns to me a horrified expression appears on his face. Then suddenly I feel an emotion other than rage. Remorse. The force field around me fades away and I quickly let go of Knuckles. He falls on the ground beside me, gasping for breath. I look down at my hands and notice that the rings around my wrists were glowing red. I feel a tear run down my face, but something's off. It's black like motor oil. I stare at Sonic's horrified expression and feel another trace run down my face. I cover my mouth as I back away from him.

"What have I done?" I say out loud. "I never wanted this...I never wanted this." I say. Then an image of Tails lying in a bed unconscious flashes through my mind and I dash to his room. The moment I open the door to see what's inside, my eyes widen in shock and my heart shatters. I see Tails lying on his bed unconscious with bandages everywhere. I feel like I've been torn apart inside. I feel another tear run down my face. Then I hear someone's footsteps coming closer to me and a hand being put on my shoulder. I turn around to see that it belongs to Sonic.


"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I scream slapping Sonic's hand off my shoulder. I then dash to my room and shut the door. Then suddenly ice shards shoot out of my hands and cover the door-knob completely. I jump onto my bed and curl up into a little ball and feel tears running down my face. And they don't stop. The feeling of remorse intensifies and is mixed with a major feeling of depression. I hear the others on the other side of the door calling out to me.

"Ark let us in!" I hear Shadow say.

"We just want to talk." I hear Amy say.

"We're not mad at you." I hear Silver say.

"Darling please open the door." I hear Rouge say.

"Please bro. Just let us in." I hear Sonic say. I shoot another ice shard at the door and the whole door freezes completely. I hear Sonic's voice again echoing with fear and worry. "Ark please. Please just let us in. You're scaring us. Please." I hear him cry out.

"Please, just go away. What you can do for me is leave me alone. Knuckles was right. I'm nothing but a danger to you, to all of you." I say through my sobs. I hear a sigh coming from the other side of the door and footsteps walking in the direction of the lounge. But as they leave the ice starts to melt and my tears stop too. I look at the door and see a shadow from the other side. I'm clueless to who it belongs to until I hear their voice. Sonic.

"Ark, let me in. Please. I'm worried for you bro. I want to help you, to make you feel like you're not a danger to anyone. Just open the door and let me through." He says. I keep my mouth shut hoping that he'll go away but soon he starts talking again. "Ark don't hide. It's not your fault, please don't think that it is. I know you didn't want to hurt either of them. Just please open the door." He says. I keep quiet again. I see his shadow sit against the door before he starts talking to me again. "I understand. But you should know that I'll always be there for you, no matter what you do or how horrible it is. If you wanna talk, just call for me and I'll be by your side in seconds." He says before getting up. I feel one more tear run down my face.

"I'm sorry Sonic." I say hugging my knees. I see his shadow walking away from my bedroom door. I sit there in my little ball and close my eyes, looking back at everything I did. Every regret and bad memory. Until eventually, I fall asleep still haunted my my actions.

And chapter 11 is done! Wait, why am I celebrating? I have just written another sad and depressing chapter which I cried over while listening to Dynast (by MIIA) over and over again to make sure that the reading experience is even more sad. I swear I get way too excited over the completion of these chapters. Also if you're able to read this and manage to keep the tears in then you have a strong soul. That or you don't have one (I'm kidding, you do have a soul and its beautiful. Don't taken it the wrong way). Either way, the chapter is done and I hope you all enjoyed it. Until the next chapter Speed Demons, see you all in the next chapter.

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