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"I'm sorry Sonic." I say hugging my knees. I see his shadow walking away from my bedroom door. I sit there in my little ball and close my eyes, looking back at everything I did. Every regret and bad memory. Until eventually, I fall asleep still haunted my my actions.

Sonic's P.O.V

It's been about three weeks a since the incident and Ark is still in our room sulking about what he did to Knuckles and Tails. Knuckles is all healed up now, Tails however is still in a coma. I hope he wakes up soon. We've all visited Tails and borough him presents for when he wakes up, whenever that may be. Ark on then other hand, I've tried so many times to get him to let me in, but he always tells me to leave. I miss having him around, it's not the same without him. But I won't just leave him, I'll keep trying until he lets me in. I walk up to his room and knock on the door.

"Go away Sonic. I already told you this, there's nothing you can say or do to me that will make me come out of here. It's better off this way, for all of us." I hear him say.

"Ark, please. You've locked yourself in there for three weeks now. You have to come out, we all miss having you with us. We don't care about what you did that day, what matters is that we are gonna make it right. But that won't happen unless you let us in, or you come out." I say calmly. I hope he'll let me in this time but as always I'm given the exact same answer.

"No, it's not happening Sonic. I'll only end up hurting you all again." He says. It hurts to hear Ark say those things about himself. I see that he won't listen to reason so there's only one thing left to do at this point. As much as I don't want to invade his space, I have no choice. I open the door and walk in. I see Ark sitting there on his bed hugging his knees. His highlights are still red but I'm not scared. I know that Ark won't hurt me. And it seems that he's in controll of his body even in this state. I walk over to him and sit down next to him.

"I told you to leave me be Sonic." He says looking away from me. I wrap my arm around his shoulder making sure that he's listening.

"Ark, you of all people should know that I don't take orders very well. I want to help." I say calmly. He lets out a sigh and turns to face the door. I put my hand hand on his shoulder and put on a serious expression.

"Ark, it wasn't your fault. I known it wasn't. There must be something else causing this. I know you would never want to hurt anyone close to you, we all know. It's not fair for you to feel this guilt when you weren't the main reason that Tails and Knuckles got hurt in the first place. And besides, after I left Manic and Sonia with Tails, I felt like I walked away from the only family I had. But after I met you, that feeling was gone. I want you to live your life as if nothing bad ever happened. Just let me help you." I say. I see a tear run down Ark's face followed by a small smile.

"Y-You really m-mean it Sonic?" He asks me.

"Of coarse I do. You're my brother and you always will be. I'll always be there for you, to get you out of trouble, to protect you. And most importantly, to make your life as happy as I possibly can." I say. I see another tear run down his face and soon a tear runs down mine too. I see Ark smile a little wider which also make me smile. I wipe the tear away and look back at Ark. He looks at me and stops hugging his knees, then he wipes his tears away. As soon as he does I wrap my arms around him in a big hug, I can tell that he wasn't ready for that, but he embraces it.

"Ark, you're all I have left of my family. That's why I care for you so much. Brotherhood is the one thing that I'm not ever gonna to let go of. I can't, and I won't. Remember that okay?" I say tearing up again. "I love you brother. I always will." I say. I hear some flickering and sparks for a few seconds before I feel Ark wrap his arms around me and hug me tightly.

"I love you too brother. I'm lucky to have you here with me." He says. I notice that his voice is different and immediately open my eyes and see something I didn't expect to see so soon, Ark's eyes highlights are back to normal. And he's smiling wide. I pull away from the hug and examine him, surprise written all over my face.

"Ark, your eyes, your highlights, they're back to normal!" I point out.

"They are?" He asks shocked.

"Yes! You're back, the Ark I know is back." I say wrapping my arm around his shoulder again.

"Come on, I bet the others are gonna be happy to see me." He suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome." I say. The two of us then get up and walk downstairs to se everyone with anxious faces, but as soon as they all see Ark and me they change to happy expressions.

"Ark! You're back!" Amy says hugging him.

"We've all missed you so much sweetie. Please dont ever hide away like that again." Rouge says.

"It wasn't the same without you." Sally says. Pretty soon the rest if the gang welcomes Ark in with open arms saying how they missed him and saying that they're all glad to have him back. Then that means that part one of my mission is complete. Now for part two. I noticed a little card on Ark's dresser in our room for Tails, so I head up to our room and find the little card on the dresser. I then take it to Tails's room and put it right next to his bed. I then dash back downstairs to join the others.


Before you even go to those comments typing 'this is giving me some really homo vibes right now' let me inform you that this is a brother moment. My older cousin and I had one a month ago, even though we aren't brothers, and it gave me the idea for this chapter. So don't type that in comments. If you do then I'll block you. And besides it's cute, unlike some of things that this fandom has come up with, that has to stop! At least the bad ones. If you know, you know. But anyway that's it for now Speed Demons, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'll see you in the next one. Gotta run. :>] (What? You know I had to.)

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