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Another pic to show you how you look like. I'll be honest, I edited this. It's not made from scratch. I borrowed it from google. But it does look awesome doesn't it. In fact its even better that the version I took from Google (who I hope don't sue me). Okay enough talking, let's get on with the story. The R on the gloves will make sence later in the book.

It's been about an hour since we rescued that Mobian. ''I should probably check on the kid.'' I say to myself. I start walking to the lab. I'm halfway there but the closer I get the more is sounds like something wants to get out of there. I hear someone yelling in pain. Then I hear a loud shattering sound. I run to the lab at top speed wondering what could've happened, and if that mobian in okay. I make it to the lab and go inside. When I do I see that mobian standing in the middle of the lab with shattered glass all over the place and he doesn't look too happy.

Your P.O.V

"Oh, my head." I mumble to myself. I slowly open my eyes and my sight starts to come to me, or at least I think it is. Everything seems kinda foggy. Once my vision clears up I know where I am. I'm inside a large tube. But somehow this feels firmilliar, like ive been here before. "Where the heck am I?" I say to myself. I have to try and get myself out of here. So I start banging on the tube. Nothing happens. Then I get an uncomfortable feeling on my neck. I notice this metal thing around my neck. Then the uncomfortable feeling gets worse. It hurts and there's a loud ringing in my ears. I yell in pain and hold my head tight. Then suddenly all the pain is gone. I stop yelling in pain and the ringing in my ears is gone too. My hand forms a fist and it breaks through the glass like it was nothing. But my legs start moving by themselves, like I can't controll my body. Next thing I know I'm out of that tube. I then see someone blue standing in front of me and the first thought that comes into my mind is to destroy him, but it soon goes away. I have controll over my body again. I fall to the ground exhausted but that blue person rushes over to me and catches me before I hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy." I say to him. He grabs my hand and helps me to my feet.

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog. What's your name?." He says.

"I'm...actually I don't really know. I don't remember anything." I say confused.

"Oh, okay. Not a problem. But we should probably get Tails's lab cleaned up. This place is a mess." He says. Then he runs and cleans up the place so fast I couldn't see him at all. After a few seconds all the mess was gone.

"Wow, how did you run so fast?" I ask in amazement.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that I'm the fastest being in the universe?" He says.

"Oh, that explains it. So where am I?" I ask.

"You're in Tails's lab. Hey, why don't you meet the others?" He says.

"Uh, okay. Sure." I say nervously. Then he leads me to a huge house not too far from the lab. He opens the door and I see a whole lot of people like him inside. They all turn to face us.

"Hey everyone. I'm back." He says.

"Hi Sonic." They all say back.

"Hey who's that standing behind you?" Someone says.

"Well, he doesn't really know his name. He lost his memory. But please make him feel welcome." He says. "I'm talking to you Shadow." Then this pink girl comes over to me wih a large smile on my face.

"Hi, I'm Amy. It's nice to meet you." She says.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you too I guess." I say.

"Let me introduce you to everyone." She says. She then leads me to a red person. "This is Knuckles." She says.

"Hi kid, make yourself at home." He says.

"Sure, thanks." I say. Then Amy leads me to someone who looks a lot like me.

"This is Silver." She says.

"Hey. You look a lot like me. It's like looking in a mirror." He says amazed.

"He-he, yeah. Nice to meet you Silver." I say.

"This is Tails, Cream, Charmy and Ray." Amy says leading me to a four kids sitting around a table.

"Hey." They say.

"Hi." I say back. Amy then leads me to two other girls talking to each other.

"This is Rouge and Blaze, my beasties." Amy says.

"Its nice to meet you dear. I like your look."

"Gee thanks. You look amazing too." I say. I feel my cheeks heating up a bit but I ignore it. Amy then leads me to some pretty tough looking people.

"This is Espio, Jet and Vector, they're actually really friendly." She says.

"Great to meet ya kid." The purple guy says.

"This is Sally and Mighty." Amy says leading me to two more people. They seem really friendly.

"Greetings." They say.

"Nice to meet you guys." I say cheerfully. Then Amy leads me to a guy in the corner.

"Lasty, this is Shadow. He may seem scary at first but he's just a big softy on the inside." She says jokingly.

"I'm not soft." He says.

"You know you are Shadz." Amy says.

"I thought we established that nobody will call me 'Shadz'." He says. Amy just giggles.

"Well, that's everyone. Make yourself at home." Amy says. She then walks off to talk with those girls she introduced me to earlier. I feel kinda nervous. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and find out that it belongs to Sonic.

"Dont worry about the others, you'll fit in just fine." He says.

"How did you-" I start but Sonic cuts me off.

"Just a lucky guess." He shrugs. "You'll be fine, and if you need me I'll be close." He gives me a reassuring thumbs up.

"Sure. Thanks Sonic." I say smiling a bit. Then I see everyone gathering around a table, except Shadow. I decide to go and see what all this is about.

"Perfect. Even Silver's look alike came." Sally says.

"Why is that a good thing?" I ask.

"Because we're all getting tired of calling you white hair or Silvers look alike. So we decided to come up with a name for you." Amy says.

"Really? Well what name did you come up with?" I say excited.

"How about Ark?" Sonic says. I smile at the name.

"I like it." I say.

"Good. Because Shadow is the one who chose it." He says. I turn to where shadow was standing earlier. He just looks away. I smile and look towards the others. But then I hear a loud ringing in my head and I feel an electric spark at the back of my neck. I yell in pain and hold the back of my neck. I fall to the ground on my hands and knees. The pain gets worse. I yell louder as the seconds pass by. Then suddenly the pain stops. The ringing in my ear goes away and I have only one thought in my mind.


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