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I climb onto my bed and start drawing the blueprints for the invention. I have nothing else to do anyways. But he can't know about it. Until I get fully healed and am able to walk without these damn crutches, this invention will just have to stay a surprise.

Sonic's P.O.V

It's been a few months since Ark was able to take full controll of himself, and its turning out great for everyone, including Ark. His fighting style is much better in his glitched form, making him an even harder opponent to defeat. I should know, I saw his training with Knuckles last week and I'm still shocked. At this point even Shadow is a little intimidated my him. And since Robotnik can't controll him anymore, none of us are scared of him going berserk. Not only that, but Tails is now fully healed and doing better than before the incident. He's become stronger, faster, more agile and is starting to discover a few new air related abilities. It makes sense since he can fly. He still doesn't know how to fully controll it yet, but he's learning. And to add to all that, Robotnik hasn't attacked us since the day Ark destroyed the override. Looks like everything is starting to turn out okay. Better than okay actually. Things are going great, and I'm sure everyone else will agree. I'm sitting on the cpuch watching TV with Ark until Knuckles walks in.

"Hey Ark, how about we go training later today?" Knuckles says to Ark.

"Oh, heck yeah. I have these new moves that I wanna try out." He says excitedly.

"Cool, meet me at the canyon in about, five hours." He says walking out the door.

"Man, things are looking pretty good for us aren't they?" I say to him.

"Heh, yeah. Its kinda hard to think that things weren't like this just a few months ago." He says jokingly.

"Yeah. I hope things are always like this from now on." I say.

"Me too." He says. About ten to twenty minutes pass by until something actually interesting happens on TV. It's a season finale of one of Ark's favourite shows. We both watch it and end up laughing because Ark keeps acting out the parts of the characters. I actually almost stopped breathing for a second because I was laughing so hard. That was a fun moment we shared.

"That was fun Sonic, but I gotta go. I wanna see what the others are up to." He says.

"Just don't get into any trouble without me okay?" I say jokingly. He laughs for a bit.

"Alright Sonic. If there's trouble I wanna cause, I'll be sure to call you." He says before dashing out the door. I lay back on the couch and close my eyes and eventually fall asleep. By the look of things, I dont think we're gonna have much trouble in the future. I'm sure of it.

Your P.O.V

The first place I dash to is the lab. When I get there however, nobody's there. I was expecting to find Tails in here working on a new invention. Guess not today. But there is something in the back of the lab that has a cloth draped over it. I take the drape off the machine, revealing what looks like some sort of converter or something. But it has some chunks missing. I decode to put the drape back on it and make it seem like I was never here. In my way out I notice something on Tails's mega-computer so I go there and take a look. And the moment I do, I panic. I see an alert on the computer that Robotnik is building his super weapon about a thousand miles above this planet's atmosphere, and its almost finished with construction. (It kinda looks like the death egg)

"Oh no, this can't be happening! Not now!" I say

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"Oh no, this can't be happening! Not now!" I say. I realize that by seeing this then everyone would panic and get stresses out about this. I should've told then earlier. But that's when I remember that I have a copy of the blueprints installed in my memory drive. I then find the closest transfer cable and plug it into the computer before plugging the other end to the cable socket in my chest cavity. A file then shows up on the computer and asks if I should copy all data to the computer, including memories, personality and power sources lists. I click okay and begin the transfer. It takes about five minutes before its complete. Then I search for the plans for the super weapon, Robotnik calls it 'the Death Egg' which sounds pretty stupid if you ask me. I take a look at the file and memorise the blueprints so well that I can see which hallways lead where and where the power sources are. I then unplug myself from the mega computer and charge up my energy, eventually going super. Then with a large burst of energy, I fly up into the sky until I end up in space. I don't have to worry about breathing because for some wierd reason I can breathe just fine. Must be one of the perks of going super. I continue to fly upward until I see a giant Robotnik-shaped machine about a hundred times the size of his lair.

"That has to be it." I say to myself. I see an opening at the bottom of the the weapon and immediately fly towards it. I enter though the opening and release all my energy, turning my fur from golden yellow back to white. I then dash around looking for the most vulnerable spot in the ship, like I planned down on Mobius. But I don't get too far before Metal shows up and tries to punch me. I dodge it easily, sliding a few feet behind me. But before I can even get up on my feet I see that crackhead in his flyer hovering in front of me.

"Well, well, well. Look who's come to try and stop me." Robotnik says.

"I'm not gonna try to stop you, I am going to stop you and destroy this giant piece of scrap metal in the process." I say getting up on my feet.

"You dare call my greatest weapon scrap!? Metal, attack him!" He says before that robotic Sonic charges for me. I manage to get out of the way and fire an energy ball at him with a direct hit. He gets knocked back by it and ends up hitting the wall. Not a lot of time passes before he gets up and enters a fighting stance. I enter the same stance, ready for a fight. I know that my plan is gonna be hard to execute by myself, but I have to do it by myself. I would risk putting the others in danger of they came with me and I wouldn't want that. This weapon has to be destroyed and I won't leave until it is. Even if it means I don't make it back either.


One more chapter complete and one chapter closer to the completion of this book. I think this one came out pretty well. Can i just comment on the death egg though? It's just as creepy as it is terrifying. Like seriously, just imagine waking up one morning and seeing that in the sky. Plus, its huge! I would have heart attack seeing that. No lie. But anyway, that's it from me Speed Demons. I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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