Mutts and Hounds

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We reached the dump far to quickly, my gut was doing gymnastics as I gazed at the cage on the trailer, I didn't want to be left there all night. The car was still as Daryl got out and walked to my side, he opened the door and watched me expectantly.

"Get out" commanded Daryl, I shuddered, finding it hard to move, I shook my head slowly, hoping that maybe I could convince him that this wasn't necessary.

"I just want to go home" I whimpered, my mouth dry, he examined me, his stern expression remained unchanged, I gulped and watched him pull up his phone. It flashed again, a faint clicking sound could be heard, this is the second picture he's taken of me today. He pressed a few things and suddenly electricity was zapping down my body, I wailed loudly.

"No more! Please!" I cried out, the shock stopped, I took deep breaths and remained frozen in the seat, watching him warily with wide eyes, my body was shaking madly once more. Me being frozen in fear seemed to be the opposite of what he had hoped, his eyes hard and uncaring.

"I told you already, this is your punishment for thinking you could get us locked away, you treat it as if it were your death sentence" stated Daryl, his voice still so intimidatingly smooth. I shakily pulled my body from the car, watching as he put his phone away, he shut the door behind me and ushered my limping form towards the cage. I pulled myself into the small opening and flinched when the gate slammed shut, the lock clicking into place.

"Stay and be a good errand girl, I'll be seeing you tomorrow, enjoy your little jail" jeered Daryl, I lowered my head and lay against the bars bringing my knees up to my chest. I flinched and cried out as he hit the cage.

"Not going to say goodbye?" He asked, faking a hurt expression, I shuddered at the cold feeling running up my legs.

"Can I please have my pants?" I asked, he examined me briefly.

"Do you deserve them? You did refuse an order" he told me, his gaze unwavering, I whimpered.

"I'm sorry, I just thought-" I was quickly interrupted.

"Thought what? That you can somehow be forgiven by defying me?!" He demanded, now that he said it that way, it sounded stupid.

"Nothing, I thought nothing" I mumbled, burying my head protectively in my arms.

"Correct, you can put them on if you can reach them" he stated, I watched warily as he went to his car and came back with my comfortable trousers, he tossed them onto the trailer alongside my jacket, I eyed the small pile in dismay. He didn't say anything more, he just turned and left, I was terrified, I shouldn't have done that, he controls the shocks with his phone, he can shock me from anywhere.

I cried into my arms, ignoring my cold legs, a loud familiar jingle began to play, I warily sat up, crouching my head, my phone was vibrating noisily on the metal. I watched it stop ringing and picked it up, two missed calls from my landlord, I wonder what she wants. I chose not to call her, not really wanting more stress on this already stressful night, the sun had basically vanished by now, the only remnants of it are the rays of light keeping the sky red and pink.

I gazed at my clothes, I reached under the tiny gap between the tray and cage, I wriggled my arm and groaned as something sharp grazed my arm. I pulled my arm back and stared despairingly at the clothes.

Hours passed, I was growing hungry, defeatedly I sighed and retrieved the apricot, it was small in my hand, I broke it in half and threw the pip through the bars, watching it land easily onto a pile of crushed and shredded cardboard. Something peaked its head through the rubble, I watched curiously as a rat rose up and sniffed the pip, it nibbled and bit into it, I quietly chewed on the fruit.

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