Chapter 1 Found Her

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Josh POV

I was at my house packing my clothes. My phone began to ring. "Hey, Josh I'll be at your house in 30 minutes." "Okay, Louis." I finish packing. I walked to my kitchen. I made a sandwich. My phone began to ring. "Hey, I'm outside." "I'm going." I got my suitcase headed outside. "Hey, Louis." "Hey, Josh. What are you going to do when we get to Chicago?" "I want to site see." "Nice we should all go." We were at the airport. We took our seats. I fell asleep right away.

Juliet POV

Sam: "Juliet, guess what?"

Me: "What Sam?"

Sam: "I got us the tickets to see One Direction in concert."

Me: "No way. I love you so much."

Sam: "The bad news is that we have different seats."

Me: "That sucks."

Sam: "I know you should get some sleep the concert is tomorrow."

Me: "I'll try but I'm so excited for tomorrow."

Sam: "Night Juliet."

I laid down my bed. I'm going to my first concert ever. I know it's sad I lived by the Allstate Arena all my life and I've never been to a concert. I have gone to the circus, hockey, and wrestling, but never to a concert, I'm too excited. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

Josh POV

We got to our hotel room. "Here are your keys to your room." "Thanks, Paul." I walked to my room said night to everyone. Niall and I planned to go out to eat before we went to bed. There was a McDonald's not too far from our hotel. "Josh. Are you ready?" "Yeah, mate." We got out of the hotel good thing no one saw us. "Louis told me that you want to go site seeing." "Yeah." "I'll go with you. Louis is going to spend time with El. Harry, Liam, and Zayn are going to play golf." We got our food and went back to our hotel. "Night Niall." "Night Josh." I went to my room. I watch TV before I knew it I fell asleep. The next day I was awakened by a loud knock on my door. "Niall it's early." "I know, you are coming with us to the book signing." "Okay. Give me 30 minutes." "You have 20." I got ready and went to Niall's room. "Let's go." We went to Old Orchard Mall. It was nice it was an outside mall. The boys signed books while I walked around the mall. I went to the apple store.

Juliet POV

I woke up it was 7:00 am. I have to pick up Sam at 11. I took a shower, I did my hair. "Hey, Juliet I'm almost at Rosemont. Okay, I just need to do my makeup and I'll be at the train station." "Awesome see you then." I did my makeup. I got my camera my wallet and walked to the car. I went to pick up Sam. I got to the train station. I saw Sam. "Hey." "Hey, can you believe it. It's June 2nd and One Direction is here." "I know, it's awesome." We waited for them to show up. Time had passed Sam and I began to talk about One Direction. They pass by in the van. We were outside when they came out on Golf cars. We all scream. Took pictures of them. They went back to the Arena. We waited to get in. "This is exciting can't wait to see them." "Me too." We took our seats.

Josh POV

I saw the girl that was waiting outside. I saw her in the crowd. "She looks beautiful," I whisper to myself. "Who?" "What?" "You said she looks beautiful." "The girl in left 3rd row down 6 seats." "She is beautiful," Niall said. I was more nervous than I already was. We got on stage. Is she looking at me? She is so beautiful. We got off the stage. "We should get her backstage after the concert. So you can talk to her." "Niall will you help me." "Yes." Niall and I walked up to Paul. "Paul can before the last long can you get someone for us." "Who is she?" "She is sitting on the left 3rd row 6 seat." "Okay." We finished the concert and headed backstage. "Paul went to get her." "I'm nervous." "Don't be mate." I saw her. She is so adorable.

Niall: "Hi I'm Niall."

Juliet: "Hi I'm Juliet."

Zayn: "What a lovely name for a beautiful for a beautiful girl."

Juliet: "Thank you." She smiled and blushed.

Niall: "This is Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn." They hugged her.

Niall: "This is our awesome drummer Josh."

Juliet: "Hi Josh."

Me: "Hi Juliet." I hugged her. "Do you guys need anything to drink?"

Liam Niall Zayn Harry Louis: "Water please."

Me: "Juliet, do you want anything?"

Juliet: "Water is fine."

She smiled. Her smile is amazing. Liam came with me. "Liam, can I ask you something." "What is it mate?" "I like Juliet. I want to ask her out on a date." "Go for it." "What if she turns me down?" "I'll help you." "Thanks, Liam." We went back. I saw Zayn flirting with Juliet. I gave Juliet her water. "Thanks, Josh." "Juliet, how old are you?" "19." "Nice." I looked at her. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" "I'm going to the mall with Zayn. Come with us." She said and smiled.

Me: "If it's okay with Zayn."

Zayn: "Yeah that's fine."

Paul: "Guys we have to go."

Louis: "Okay Paul."

Me: "Do you live far?"

Juliet: "No. I live across the street."

Me: "Are you driving home?"

Juliet: "No I'm walking."

Me: "May I walk you home."

Juliet: "That would be great." She smiled.

Zayn: "I'll see you tomorrow Juliet."

Juliet: "Okay Zayn."

Niall Harry Louis Zayn Liam: "Bye Juliet." They all hugged her one by one.

Juliet and I left without anyone noticing me. "Where do you live?" "2 streets down take a left." Were walked it was dark no one could see me. "I was wondering if you can show me around the city." "I'll love too." "Can I have your number so I can text you?" "Yeah. My phone died I'll text you later." "I'll text you right now so when you charged it you'll have my number." "I'll see you tomorrow." "Yeah. See you tomorrow." I hugged her and I kissed her cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow bye." "Bye Josh thank you for walking me home." "You're welcome, love." I left and called Niall. "Did you walk her home?" Niall said. "Yeah. Can you pick me up?" "Yeah, I'll be there in a few." I texted Juliet. "Hey, it's Josh." "Hey, Josh." She texted me right away. Niall picked me up."Thanks for picking me up." "Anytime." I texted Juliet. "I had fun tonight. I'll pick you up tomorrow. :)" "Me two :) Sounds good. :)" "Goodnight. Sweet dreams." "Goodnight Josh :)" We walked to room Niall room.

Zayn: "Why are you smiling about?"

Niall: "He is texting Juliet."

Zayn: "Really. She's funny."

Me: "She is. What time are we leaving?"

Zayn: "10.

"Me: "Okay I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I walked to my room and texted Juliet. "We will pick you up at 10." "Sounds great see you then." "Yeah. Night xx :)" "Night Josh :)" I charge my phone. I put the alarm on my phone. Before I knew it I fell asleep. The next day my alarm began to ring. I check my phone Juliet: "Hey I'm driving to the mall. Do you want me to pick you guys up? Or do you want to meet up at the mall." "Can you pick me up." "Yeah, I'll see you in 20 minutes." I got ready. I went to Zayn's room."Hey. How are you going to the mall?" "Juliet picking us up." He said

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