(Shorts #1) Colours in B/W

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These are drafts that never made it to the cut... George x Bad

A soulmate AU where when you touch your soulmate you'll see colours for the first time.


Bad and Skeppy met up with the dream team one day in an amusement park. When the guys are walking down the path, Skeppy, Sapnap, and Dream were all ahead, mainly the chatty ones.

The remaining two were just a few steps behind, also having a nice conversation as well. George and Bad's hands accidentally touched making George freeze. He saw colours started appearing from the corners of his eyes, the blue sky, brown board walk, colourful lights displayed on top of the game stalls, all the colours in the colourwheel as the people's shirts.

His dark brown eyes widening once he realized that he was now seeing the world in a new perspective. The boy he was talking with earlier noticed how he froze up. BBH gave him a confused yet kind expression.

George waited until the popped up colours reached the middle of his vision where his gaze was focused on Bad.

"D-do you see it?" He asked, hope filling up his chest now that he knew who his soulmate finally is.

Bad just stares at him with a confused look. "I'm sorry muffin, what are you talking about?"

The brunette... BadBoyHalo, Darryl... didn't- doesn't see it? Does that mean that George's not his-

George placed a hand over his aching chest and forced a smile, trying to swallow down the lump that was inconveniently placed in his throat.

"Nothing... I just thought I saw.. something."

-A.B_D got lazy, I'm currently working on two one-shots that are over 2000+ words, one's TechHalo and one's a ship that hasn't existed here yet too so... Yeah.

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