Dear Darryl, I Hope You Receive This.

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Alright, now, before we get into it... I just wanna say, this was not made by me.

This was made by a good friend of mine who's writing skills are impeccable!! Not just writing, but also drawing. Her arts are amazing and oh boi will y'all be jealous of her talent.


Go follow them on Ao3, show her some love by possibly subscribing to her. And give her work some kudos!!!

Edit: she just posted the original version of this works. For memes, wish her a Happy Birthday so she'll be hella confused, lmao. (Seriously though, I'll be waiting over there. Btw, some of you might be a Hetalia fan? She's a Hetalian.)

Can you guys spot the changes? And please do heed the timelines.


[00:12 am; 06/01/15]

Dear Darryl,

This is the twentieth letter I've written to you, I've decided to write a letter to you everyday. It makes me feel a little less lonely. What about you? Do you miss me too? How silly of me, of course you do. I wish you were here by my side right now, nights are cold and I'm alone during hot afternoons. I miss the muffins you make during summer. I never get to make mine as sweet as yours. Or maybe it's just me missing you.

If you're worried about me not resting or eating much, please stop worrying. I'm doing fine, I'm not sick or anything. I just really, really miss you. Anyway, I made baked potatoes today, I didn't eat them all because I made too many. I forgot you weren't here. Do you miss my potatoes like I miss your muffins? How about we make those once you come back? Can't wait for you.

I'll end this letter here, I might fill up the paper with my nonsensical rambling. I hope you're doing well, I'll write to you soon!

With love,
Dave B.<3

[18:09 pm; 06/01/16]

Dear Darryl,

First of all, I'm okay, I'm doing fine and I wasn't hurt. Second, our house almost burned down... Okay, I can explain, but you also have the blame on this too. I was worrying about you so much
because you wouldn't respond to my letters that I forgot I was cooking dinner. The kitchen was burned, half of the dining area is now ashes, and a part of the living room caught fire. My clothes were almost burned off of me, I didn't notice that I was half naked until I made it out of the house.

You don't need to scold me, my brother has already done that for you. You should've seen Wil's face when he found out what happened, he could've been one of Punz's tomatoes. I've begun
to write you poems and stories too, it was a good thing that the fire didn't reach the second floor since I keep my written works upstairs. I'll send you a poem with this letter, let me know what
you think about it.

I know, I know, that was stupid of me worrying about you. You're doing fine. It's don't reply to my letters or even give me a sign that you're receiving them. Nevertheless, I'll keep writing to you. It's like I'm talking to you even though you aren't here. I miss you.

With love (and sorry I burned our house down),
Dave B.<3

[08:06 am; 06/01/17]

Dear Darryl,

I started a blog a few weeks ago but I never got to tell you about it. I remembered that you also ran a blog, so I looked you up. It's been a while since your last update, your followers are
spamming your inbox. I also noticed that you've gained a lot more followers the past years, good for you, Dar.

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