Chapter 6

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Authors Note: Hello my HornDogs!!! I'm sorry for the lack of updates and all the broken promises I made, I really dont have any inspiration and it's so difficult to have to squeeze the last working brain cells I have into this, I'll try to post atleast once every 2 weeks but I might break it, oki byeeee-


3rd POV:

Once Kuroo got back from getting his food Kenma waited untill he sat down his food on the bench and then told him about the stray cat. Kuroo then agreed to help Kenma since he was short and they both went over to the large tree.

"Hey Kenma, get on my back okay." Kuroo said while grabbing Kenmas arm and pulling Kenma towards him.

"Okay, thanks Kuroo-" Kenma softly said while being bolted up onto Kuroos shoulders, the swift breeze hitting his hair, causing his body to move back slightly.

"Hey Kenma you almost have the cat cause I'm starving-" Kuroo started saying untill he was interrupted by Kenma leaning forward into Kuroo more.

"I like this alot Kitty...." Kuroo said while tightly pressing down on Kenmas legs making sure he was balanced.

After Kenma got close enough to the tree branch the cat was on, he stretched his arms out waiting for the cat to get on.


Once Kenma gained the stray cats trust he scooped up the cat and got him down from the branch, the cat meowed as a sign of gratitude. When Kenma got down from Kuroos shoulders he started investigating the cat to check for any sort of cuts and scars, while turning the cat over to check the cats gender, while also admiring its sparkling white fur. Something about this cat told Kenma that they had alot incommon.

"Hey Kuroo, can we keep him" Kenma said enthusiastically while looking up at Kuroo.

"I dont see why not, I'll be happy to have to have two Kittys~"Kuroo said while bending down to pet the cat, only to be scratched by it instead.

"I guess it has favorites" Kenma chuckled and smiled as Kuroo rolled his eyes.

Kenma looked down at the cats neck, it had no collar just a small bald spot, the cat then meowed in hunger eagerly wanting something to eat. In response Kenma went over to the bench that Kuroo had stored his food on and took 2 pieces of fried fish and fed it to the small frail cat.

"My food- Kenma you owe me something now." Kuroo said while he looked at Kenma feeding the frail cat.

"Hey Kuroo, let's go back to the house now I'm tired and we have volleyball practice towmorrow." Kenma said while carrying the cat in his arms.

"Alright, let's go Kitty's" Kuroo said smiling while he went over to Kenma and put his right arm around his small shoulder.

Author's Note: Welp, I used up all of my creative juices- my brain hurts and I'm tired alright horndogs that's all for this week- also comment on any mistakes I made while making this since I'm to tired to review it- also any questions yall have I would always like to answer BYEEEE HORNDOGS-

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