Chapter 7

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Authors Note: I tried adding some different perspectives and I hope I did I good job, I dont really write often with 1st person so I'm not used to it =/ ight that's it go read now HORNDOGS.


Once Kuroo and Kenma finally got back to Kenmas house, Kuroo went to go and get Cat food since the Cat was still hungry even after he ate Kuroos food. Something still bothering Kenma.


Now that Kuroo left I feel weird....we made up so fast, so something has to be bothering him. He even went with the idea of getting a cat...I think hes hiding something.


"Oh, right I forgot to name you...I guess we can wait untill Kuroo comes back."

Today was fun but I'm still worried, and I had nothing to eat. My stomachs twisting and I'm tired. I guess I can go to sleep, we have practice towmorrow anyways.


Where the FUCKKKK is the cat food....I dont wanna ask a goddamn clerk cause then it would seem like I'm 3.

"Hello sir may I help you?"

"Uh, sure do you know where the cat food is?"

"Ofcourse, it's in the pet produce aisle, just go forward to your right and it should be on your left."


THERES A PET PRODUCE AISLE, why didnt they just but them near the toys?? I bet that clerk lady thinks I'm 3 now. That's just great.

It's getting late, I wonder if Kenmas already asleep. Let's just get the cat food and get the hell out of here.



Once Kuroo got back to Kenmas house, he saw Kenma sleeping on the couch holding the white cat in his arms. The warm feeling of the cats fur could make anyone fall asleep. It felt like fluffy clouds in twining themselves in your fingers, the soft but thin fur quickly dissipating while making you drowsy.

Kuroo quickly put down the bags containing cat food and went to go and carry Kenma and the Cat to Kenmad bed. Slowly tucking him in his crimson red bedsheets.

"Love you Kitty." Kuroo wistfully said as he kissed Kenma on his forehead, and exiting Kenmas room after.

Once Kuroo put away the Cat food he exited Kenmas house, locking the door. Slowly walking back to his own home and lying on his bed trying to go to sleep, but thoughts ran over his head making it impossible to sleep peacefully.


I dont know if I can keep this relationship with Kenma...I'm leaving for college this year and long distance relationships arent easy. Plus the fight we had a couple weeks ago made me lose some time we had. I shouldn't have been that mad over him spending his time on the things he wanted to do. Shit....did I ever pay attention to the things he wanted to do. He got into volleyball because of me...I'm worried that he'll get bored of me. Just like a videogame you cant beat. FUCK, why do I want to cry...I need him to be happy and I need myself to be why the fuck do I feel an aching pain in my heart. Why the fuck do I feel resentment for how I feel. I just want to rest. I want to make some good memories before I have to leave-leave...him.

I just want to fucking rest.



As both teenagers got up and went to school, the buzzing of the mosquitos and the dry humid air hitting their faces, while the green grass slowly swaying, the beaming sun making the pavement of the road steaming hot. They stopped at the vollyball clubs gymnasium. Both squeezing in some time to hit a few sets before classes since Lev was also there.

After the morning bell rang they all went to their classrooms. Hearing the bored noises the students where making as they started class. The speeding voice of the teacher making each of the students barely able to catch what the teacher was saying. The continuing boredom of each classroom made everything feel gloomy and broken, every inching minute made everyone anticipate freedom.


The next period bell rang making everyone get up from their seats and head to their classrooms, the clumps of students forming barricades in the halls. After School was over, relief was being brung to each student as they all headed home or to afterschool activities.

Kenma, Yaku, Kuroo, and Lev met up outside of the gymnasium, waiting for the other members.


Authors Note: OOF, you know what they DONT tell you when writing things?? ITS THAT ITS SO DAMN HARD TO HAVE THE PATIENCE TO COME UP WITH SHIT NOT TO MENTION HOW LONG IT TAKES TO WRITE ITTTTT- cough-cough- I mean, hope you enjoyed todays chapter, I wish I could write more but I ran out of ideas =P See you guys next week Horndogs. In the mean time while you wait enjoy this cute picture of Kenma and Kuroo that I found....

 In the mean time while you wait enjoy this cute picture of Kenma and Kuroo that I found

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