chapter 15

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Authors Note: Happy Late Halloween!!! SORRY YOU GUYS HAD TO WAIT SO LONG LOL XD btw the peoples tags that requested what Kenma and Yamaguchi should wear and the additional parts are tagged at the bottom!! TRIGGER WARNING!! THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS ALCHOHOL CONSUMPTION , SMOKING, DRUG USE, RAPE MENTIONS, ABUSE, AND HOMOPHOBIC SLURS. PROCEED WITH CARE!!

3rd POV:

After a couple of hours practice was over and lev finally knew how to spike it successfully. (My guy has the height but he can't play for shit)

Kenma was anxious to go to yamaguchi but he was talking to Tsukishima. Once Yamaguchi was finally alone, Kenma ran towards him. Yamaguchi being concerned asked why he wanted to see him.

"Yamaguchi really need you to come over to my house...I need to tell you something." Kenma said as Tsu,Ishida started to walk back towards them.

Yamaguchi questioned but agreed "Oh umm sure Kenma let me just ask Tsuki real quick..."

Tsukishima began to get closer and grew a scowl on his face after he saw Kenma looking at him, the tall blonde looked down at Yamaguchi.

"Hey Tsukishima is it okay if I go with Kenma to his house?" Yamaguchi questioned.

Tsukishima grew cold and yelled, "Yamaguchi don't go near him hes going to hurt you like he did at the Lazer tage Arena!!"

Kenma looked at him dead in the eyes and then grabbed yamaguchis arm.

"You can't control what Yamaguchi does hes not a toy....and im not going to hurt him" Kenma said as Yamaguchi nervously looked at Tsukishima.

"Oh Fuck of you short bastard!!" Tsukishima yelled as he grabbed Yamaguchis other arm and pulled him out of Kenmas grasp, this hurt Yamaguchi emotionally and physically.

Yamaguchi became teary eyed and cried out "LET GO OF ME BOTH OF YOU!!"

Kenma and Tsukishima became shocked and let go of Yamaguchi, they froze in place as Yamaguchi started to rub his eyes.

" going with Kenma....he clearly has something important to say....ill talk to you later Tsukishima" Yamaguchi sighed as he walked away. Kenma followed behind him.

Tsukishima was just stuck their frozen...he waited there stuck in thought untill he remembered he had to go to the third year party with Bokuto since he got invited. With his height he would most likely pass for a college student.


Yamaguchi and Kenma where beside eachother walking, Kenma already texted Hinata and Sugawara his address so he wasnt worried about them. It was just Yamaguchi and him....alone.

The cold air brushed against there faces and a wisp of dust hit their eyes, it was an awkard atmosphere but Kenma had to tell Yamaguchi where his house was.

"Yamaguchi...we have to take this train to my house...." Kenma whispered.

"Okay. Let's make sure we get there quickly....I need to go back to the hotel or ill miss curfew" Yamaguchi sighed, he put on a fake smile and kept walking until they got to the train.


The train stopped and Kenma and Yamaguchi got out of it, Kenmas house was right around the block and waiting there was Hinata, Kageyama, and Sugawara.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it let's get inside....uh why are you here Kageyama?" Kenma questioned.

"Bokes bad with directions so I had to take him." Kageyama said as held hands with Hinata.

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