Chapter 14

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Authors Note: Hello my KuroKen shippers, its your (hopefully) favorite author =) I just wanted to let yall know that im extremely thankful of all the support you've given, that being said, go read my shit UuU ALSO THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SOME SPICY CONTENT WITH HINATA AND KAGEYAMA SO I WILL BE ADDING A WARNING WHEN IT STARTS!!!


Out of all the people I had to run in it just had to be Kuroo...should I tell Shoyo....would he care? Todays the 3rd year party and Kuroos leaving for College next week...hed be gone.

Thats going to tell Shoyo, atleast i feel like i can trust him.

UGH just want this stress to go away!!


Kenma made it to school, he felt like the classes got longer than before, he couldn't focus either, his mind was just filled with overwhelming thoughts. He wasn't a good student anyways, so he wasn't worried about focusing in class. Kenma always got C's on his test scores so he didnt really care, he wanted to be a fulltime twitch streamer anyways so either way it didnt matter.

As the class was ongoing Kenma just clicked his pen, it melted the boring class and made him less worried but the students got easily annoyed and the teacher as well, so he stopped not wanting any attention.

After a crucial 8 hours, Kenma had volleyball practice. The Karasuno bus was waiting on them, and Kenma could see Hinatas hair poking out of a window. Hinata walked out of the bus holding Kageyamas hand so ofcourse it raised suspicion. Since Kuroo was thirty minutes late to class he had detention which meant that he couldn't go to practice that morning and was stuck doing the last week of homework.

As Hinata and Kageyama where walking over to Kenma, Kenma asked Hinata if they could talk privately before the match. Hinata being the sunshine that he is said yes, and told Kenma that he had something to tell him too. Sugawara overheard them and told Kenma that he would also like to ask him something, so the three went to the bathroom together. Kageyama standing crossing his arms.


Why does Kenma need that boke? He better not do anything to him or ill serve a ball right into his head.

That good for nothing Boke, you know what I'm coming too!!


Kenma, Sugawara, and Hinata where in the bathroom together leaning on a wall. Kenma let Hinata speak first since Hinata was so eager too.

"So uh Kenma...and Sugawara...I-I think I have a crush on Kageyama...I never felt this way before which is why I wanted to talk about with you Kenma since your dating Kuroo..." Hinata said not knowing that Kageyama heard him.

" and K-Kuroo, well I think you and Kageyama look cute together and I always thought you where dating anyways since your so close. I think Kageyama feels the same way about you too since you guys where holding hands earlier so don't worry Hinata I think you'll be fine." Kenma said while Sugawara was overwhelmed.

"HINATA YOU-YOU LIKE KAGEYAMA!!!! Oh my GOODNESS!!! I approve aslong as he doesn't try to well, have the unholy with you!! I'll be keeping an eye on you two okay he better not hurt you!!" Sugamama said as he crossed his arms.

"Oh Kenma before I tell you why I needed you, can you tell us what you have to say?" Sugawara said.

"Oh well....Kuroo....he...he cheated on me with Tsukishima, I saw them kissing at an arcade, and the worst part is that I think Tsukishima is dating Yamaguchi." Kenma stuttered he felt shakey as his heart was throbbed hoping they would care.

"OMFG I knew it, I cant believe that scum bag, when I see him hes going to get the beating of his lifetime!! And the fact he cheated on you with a salt shaker!! That is mortifying!! Daichi would never do such a thing to me!!" Sugawara snapped.

"WOW Kenma I'm so sorry, I didnt know that rooster head would do that!! IM GOING TO HELP YOU GET PAY BACK!!" Hinata jumped.

"Oh...uh thanks guys but how?" Kenma questioned.


"Good idea...i have just the thing we should-" Kenma tried saying but was interrupted by Kageyama.

"Coach Ukai and Coach Nekomata was looking for you guys, I would go if I where you." Kageyama said.

"Oh, well then let's go my children, volleyball lractice starts i wonder if Diachi missed me !!" Sugawara said as Kenma and him walked out.

"Wait Boke." Kageyama said as he held hinata by his shoulder.

"Uh-w-what Kageyama..." Hinata stuttered and his face turned a bright red.


Kageyama Kabedoned Hinata against the wall and whispered into Hinatas ear "I know you want me Hinata". Hinata turned a bright red as Kageyama nibbled Hinatas ear.

"K-kageyama kun...wait..." Hinata blushed.

Kageyama started kissing Hinata on his neck which caused Hinata to let out a slight moan.

"K-KAGEYAMA KUN LET ME G-GO!!! You said coach Ukai was waiting for us-kya~why are you...."Hinata yelped, Kageyama let him go and looked down at him.

"Boke, get this through your thick skull, I lied to them so we could be alone boke." Kageyama said as Hinata blushed even harder.

"KAGEYAMA KUN!!! Either way you can't just do things like that, w-where not even dating....." Hinata said as he looked down at the floor, Kageyama lifted his head up and kisses him.

"Well we are now Boke." Kageyama whispered.

Hinata came back being held by the waist by Kageyama with hickeys on his neck and shoulders.



I wonder why it took Hinata and Kageyama so long to get back, I wonder if Kageyama heard what Hinata said.

Atleast i know what to do to make Kuroo jelous, maybe I should tell yamguchi too.

I'll invite Yamaguchi, Sugawara, and Hinata over today so we could plan it out and possibly play videogames.

Ugh, practice is starting, I'm happy Kuroos gone but now I have Lev to depend on.....he really needs the practice.


Authors Note: I know this chapters a bit shorter than the rest but my Great Grandmothers Funeral was today and since I can fly to go to it I was on a call....i know you guys would understand, I just hope she's somewhere good, if anytning I just want her to be happy. I love you all, so thank you for reading this chapter.

ALSO YOU GUYS GET TO PICK WHAT KENMA WEARS TO MAKE KUROO JEALOUS!!! All you guys have to do is comment by holding on this paragraph or I think its double clicking if your on a computer, if you can't do that then there should be a button at the bottom of your screen that looks like a text bubble, I would love to see what you all comment so keep it going =) you also get a shout out if i pick your outfit <3 love you all and sorry if I dont pick yours!!!

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