Chapter 8

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Authors Note: I just wanted to say thank you, for voting on my story!! Thank you for your support, I honestly never though anyone would read this but when I found out how many of you guys do it made me so happy!! I also wanted to give a shout out to a friend on Wattpad that started writing her own fictional story called "The star thieves" if your into action adventure stories and fantasy then I totally reccomend it ❤ Her name is Rocky_senpai on Wattpad if your interested!! Thank you guys again for the support.


Once everyone got to practice Coach Nekomata split them up into two practice teams and they started playing volleyball. After the second set everyone packed up their things and started walking back to their individual homes. Since finals were coming up soon and the third years were getting ready to go to college Kuroo met up with Yaku and the other third years to go set up a party which left Kenma to walk home by himself.


Oh, I forgot that Kuroo was going to be graduating this year. I wonder why he didnt tell me they where going to have a party, hopefully we have some time together once he leaves.  Even if he was always older than me it still hurts that he leaves first, I wonder how that would affect our relationship, I'll probably visit him sometimes. Maybe we can go to a cafe towmorrow.

I better get home, it's getting really dark and I might miss the bus...also my cat is probably hungry, I still dont know what to name him. Maybe I can go and quickly ask Kuroo...

"Hey Kuroo."

"Yeah Kenma?"

Well atleast he isnt calling me Kitty...

"What should we name our cat?"

"I was thinking Nekomata as in DevilCat since he scratches me alot!!"

"I guess that's a good name, goes after our school too.."

"Oh Kenma, I'll be staying at Yakus place tonight since I'm going to plan the 3rd year party with him, also we're going to study their, I'll go to your house towmorrow okay"

"Okay Kuroo. Bye, also I was thinking we could go to-"

"Oh sorry Kenma I gotta go alright, talk to you later-"

Oh I guess I can tell him tomorrow then....I had to go catch the bus anyways.



Damn, I cant push away Kenma, I just want to give him a hug. I dont wanna go to college and leave him but at the same time I have too.

Anyways I better get my mind of this I'm already at yakus house and we need to plan the party and study.

"Hey Kuroo, I just texted Bokuto and Akaashi if they wanted to come and they said sure but they want to bring Tsukishima"

"Nice to hear that the Salt shaker and Owl head are coming!!"

"Great, anyways we better study now since the finals are coming up."



Authors Note: Welp I'm tired, and have no more ideas =P, thank you guys again for the support!!! LOVE YAH HORNDOGS!!! Oh and srry this chap was short, I have ZERO ideas =P stay tuned next time on KuroKen: Haikyuu Nekoma Fanfict.....

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