Dabi: Beaten

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"Yet another stupid fucking mission for me to go on." Dabi muttered in anger as he walked the back alleys. It had been well over an hour since he left the warehouse and it hadn't even been 24 full hrs since Dabi's last mission that Shigaraki has sent him on.

At this point, it was getting irritating as hell being sent out constantly and not being able to spend time with you. This time the mission was to try and get some winged freak to join up with Shigaraki.


2 (two) hours later

Dabi had made it to a nearby city and to an abandoned place that the winged villain had previously been seen at. He searched the building and finally ran into the man and began bargaining back and forth.

Finally, being fed up Dabi snapped. "You're sitting up in this goddamn birds nest like some high villain when you're just an underling. You're not trying to DO anything. You're not attempting anything. You have no group. No point. Stain made more sense than any villain but at the same time, All For One as crazy as he fucking was makes more sense you."

"Ah... Careful with that tone. You're nothing more than a blue torch and I'd hate to snuff something so unique out."

"Fuck you. I could be laying with my future wife instead I'm here trying to talk to talking bird. You wanna fucking cracker you wannabe villa-" In the middle of Dabi's insult he was thrown back into a pillar, cracking the concrete and falling to the floor with a painful grunt.

"Future wife? That's intriguing. Tell you what, flame boy, let me have a look at this future wife of yours and I might come back with you."

"Go... die in a hole you disgusting cockatoo bitch." Dabi snapped as he stood up and threw his blue flames at the feathered villain.

Though he dodged them easily, one of the fireballs still singed his feather on his right wing. After a moment of looking at the burnt feathers, he moved the wing and looked at Dabi.

Seconds lately they erupted into a heated battle. Flames, feathers, concrete pieces, and debris all flew out of the unfinished building structure and it wasn't until Dabi plummeted two stories and miraculously lived that he began retreating back to the warehouse unaware of the feathers struck in his skin tracking him and the winged villain flying just a short distance away.

Playing with Fire, Feathers, and Fate. (Dabi/Tomura/Villain!Hawks x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum