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Jack laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Katherine was meant to be home hours ago, but she wasn't. He couldn't help but think the worst. What if the Delancey's had found her? What if her father forbid her from seeing him? What if she left him?

No, stop it Jack. She would never do that, would she?

He let out a groan of pure frustration and threw his arm across his eyes. If she'd just hurry up then he could go to sleep. He heard noises from outside and stood from the couch to peer out the window.

His heart stopped when he saw Katherine walking arm in arm with Darcy. Was she cheating on him? He shook his head to clear the thoughts from his head. She would never do that, would she?

He watched as she gave Darcy a kiss on the cheek, grinning from ear to ear before walking up the steps to the building. He watched as Darcy tipped his hat to Katherine before she walked into the building.

Jack couldn't help the feelings that bubbled up in his chest. If she didn't love him anymore she would just tell him, wouldn't she?

He walked back over to the couch and lay down. She wouldn't cheat on him, would she? He quickly shut his eyes when the door opened.

"Jack?" Katherine called as she stepped into her apartment. "You here?" She asked as she walked farther into the apartment. She looked down and saw him asleep on the couch. She pressed a kiss to his cheek before going into the bedroom to get ready to sleep.

Jack peeked an eye open when he felt the bedroom door click shut. She hadn't even bothered to wake him up. She normally did that.

He couldn't help the sadness that bubbled up inside him. Was she mad at him? Did he do something wrong?

He stood from the couch and made his way to the front door, careful not to make a sound. He opened the door and slipped out, making sure it didn't slam shut. He walked out of the apartment block and down to the Lodging House.

He knew Katherine would kill him for leaving without telling her. But what if she didn't care? He ran back to the Lodging House, opening the door and slamming it behind him.

"Jack, are you ok?" Les asked from where he was sitting on the couch, trying to read.

"Yes, I'm fine." Jack snapped, instantly feeling bad when Les' face fell. "I'm sorry."

"Jack?" Davey asked as he walked into the main room of the Lodging House. He sat down next to Les and stared at the union leader.

"It's Kath. Something feels off about her." Jack confessed, sitting down next to Les and running a hand through his hair.

"Off how?"

"She came home late, and she's never done that before. And then she came home with Darcy and kissed his cheek. And I pretended to be asleep on the couch and she didn't wake me up like she normally does." Jack said, feeling stupid as the words left her mouth.

Davey looked at Les, who was grinning. "Look, maybe she's just stressed. I'm sure whatever it is will blow over by tomorrow." He explained.

"Yeah, I hope ya right. Night boys." Jack said, standing from the couch and walking out of the room. He stopped when he heard Davey and Les talking.

"Should we have told him?" Les asked nervously.

"No, it's Katherine's secret to tell." Davey answered.

"I know, but maybe if we just told him sooner then he could stop worrying."

"Les, Katherine's just nervous about telling him, and she already feels bad for letting it happen. She doesn't know how he'll react. It's better if we just let it play out." Davey said with a sigh, leaning back on the couch.

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