♛Chptr. 15.13 || ☆☆12th Bits☆☆♛

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☆☆12th Bits☆☆

♛➸♛➸ THE FOLLOWING DAYS  of Jungkook's Departure ♛➸♛➸


"My Hubby❣️"


7:27 AM - You look pretty in that.

Take care, Park.
Talk to you later 

7:27 AM - Piss off.

*No new messages*


"My Hubby❣️"


*No new messages*


"My Hubby❣️"


*No new messages*


"My Hubby❣️"


*No new messages*


"Stop pouting, Jiminie. Your lips are about to fall flat on this table, I swear." Taehyung utters, bothered by Jimin's frowning ever since that morning. 

They were supposed to be studying for a test but all Jimin was doing was have a staring battle at his phone, his opened book left ignored in front of Jimin's side of the table.

"I'm not pouting!" Jimin defended himself although he's even clearly talking in a pout.

Taehyung and Hoseok only exchanged glances with each other as they gave each other knowing looks. Taehyung might have an idea why Jimin was acting the way he is. Well, it was too obvious for them not to notice anyways.

"Is this about your 'He's not hot, okay?!'-Husband of yours not texting you for days now?" Hoseok asked, trying to mimic how Jimin said that just days ago when his sulking Taehyung told him what transpired that night after he came home from covering someone's shift at the Cafe he's working at.

Jimin's reaction was fast. He almost leaps out of his chair, eyebrows furrowed and he looked so fired up about the simple question.

"I don't care if he's not texting me for days!" Jimin told Taehyung and Hoseok with his cleched little fists on the table and the two fought the urge to laugh.

"Then what are you doing staring at your phone like that as if it'll give you the answer whether Mr. Jeon still loves you or if he already forgot your ass?" Taehyung asked this time with that playful grin on his lips.

Hoseok chuckled at that but silenced himself fast since Jimin gave him a hard glare. He also elbowed his boyfriend on the left ribs softly to get Taehyung to stop.

"I wasn't doing that!" Jimin retorted, not amused at Taehyung and Hoseok's teasing.

"Sure," Taehyung chimes in, his eyes widening after as he looks at something on their table. "Look, Jiminie! You got a text!" 

It didn't even take Jimin a second to get his phone on the table to see it for himself, his eyes working fast to find the new message.

"Oops, I might have seen wrongly." Taehyung continued, earning Jimin's baffled expression.

"I'm giving you three seconds to run, Kim Taehyung. Three. . . fucking. . . seconds. . ." Jimin announced with his gritted teeth.

They got kicked out of the library after that.

Hoseok was still busy stopping Jimin from murdering his boyfriend on the hallways though.


"My Hubby❣️"

(Thursday Morning)

*No new messages*


Jimin scoffs, rolling his eyes. He just woke up that morning and the first thing he did was search his phone for a new message only to end up annoyed.

"Hah, thank God he's not bugging me anymore. Good for him." He mumbled to himself.

He jumped out of his bed pouting.


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