Road trip part 2

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WARNING:just a bit of gore like a bit

Your p.o.v
After me Pietro and Shuri finished watching the movie I got really tired I could barely keep my eyes open so I headed off to bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep.until you had a nightmare it felt so real you were at a hydra base with Bucky and then he turned into the winter soldier without you noticing. He shoved me against a wall with his metal arm the metal cold against my tender skin it was already hard to breathe because of the dust now it was harder. He took out a dagger I dodged most of his hits but then he got me in my thigh pain coursed through my body blood dripping out of my leg . He slowly took the dagger out causing more pain and shoved me to the ground grinning his expression pained me. In just a minute I was on the ground my leg in a pool of blood i could barely breathe it felt like my lungs were Pompeii and they were collapsing. The thing that hurt the most wasn't your leg, it was that my best friend had more than thought of hurting you. You lay on the ground crying until Pietro came up to you you were relieved but hesitant he let out his hand for me, i slowly reached out and grabbed it he pulled me up off the ground but then put a gun to my side and shot. I fell to the ground clutching your side crying in pain emotional and physical then I couldn't breathe my lungs were collapsing and I blacked out. I woke up startled breathing fast but my heart going faster was that a nightmare was that a memory? Thoughts started flooding into my mind and not good ones. Pietro rushed into my room but i was hesitant I didn't know if this was real or fake. He climbed onto the small bed that i was on and held me close. I swear he could hear my heartbeat it felt like it was beating out of my chest. Icollapsed in his arms and burst into tears. Pietro lifted my chin and gave me a soft smile and held me closer as more tears rushed down my cheeks. Bucky came in soon after but i couldn't look at him after my nightmare as soon as he came in i buried my head in Pietro's chest he stroked my hair he knew that always helped. "Hey princess what's the matter?" Pietro asked gently  "I-I had a nightmare" i managed to choke out before crying into his chest once more. "Do you want to talk about it?"Bucky asked. I calmed down a bit after hearing his soft voice and not the winter soldiers. I looked up at him and my tear stained face looked as it broke his heart into a million pieces. I nodded my head slowly hesitant but he sat down on the bed across from Pietro and me. I slowly started explaining while still crying, the events replaying in my head making it even harder to explain what happened. When i was done Pietro and Bucky's faces turned from soft to terrified but then back to soft. Bucky crawled across the bed and him and Pietro held me in there arms for what felt like hours until we all fell asleep but this time into a much nicer dreamless sleep.

Third p.o.v

You were awoken by Tony yelling "LUNCH TIME BITCHES!!!" You all laughed at the billionaires 'respect' for sleeping passengers. Bucky and Pietro still held you in there arms until you got up to put your shoes on so you could go outside to stretch your legs. " wait I can't wear pajamas the whole day" you said giggling because you had forgot that you were wearing them. You shooed the boys out of your room and got dressed into jean shorts and a F/C (favorite color) shirt and put on your white slip on vans(if you don't like vans then your favorite shoe brand). You hopped outside where the rest of the team was waiting and you grabbed Pietro's hand intertwining your fingers. Pietro leaned over and whispered "I thought you looked cute in your pajamas." You held in your laughter and playfully slapped his arm. "Alright everyone get whatever food you want then meet back in the rv in 20 minutes with your food" Tony said. You grabbed Bucky and Pietro's hands and rushed over to the store(you know like the gas station stores yeah you went there to get foood.) "Y/N why are we going here?" Pietro asked "ugh because babe 1 I would like to get a souvenir from every place we go 2 so we can get snacks" You explained. "You know the only reason why I'm agreeing with her is because when she's mad she's kinda scary" pietro whispered to Bucky. "Heard that!" You grinned. Once you dragged the boys into the gas station you saw a lady with a big German Shepard and a little German sheapard "awwww guys look" you said pointing to the dog. "Your dogs are so cute." You said to the lady. "Oh thank you but the little one is actually looking for a new home would you be interested." You looked at her with wide eyes "OMG YES!!" You said grinning from ear to ear. "Babe we can't bring him we're on a road trip." You and the dog looked at him with puppy eyes and surprisingly Bucky joined in "ugh fine but only because your adorable." "Thank you" Bucky said and you all started cracking up. "Well here you are then" the lady said handing you the dog. " does he have a name?" "No because we didn't want to get to attached so you can name him." " OMG YAY!!!!" Your heart lept with joy "thank you so much!" The lady then handed you lots of other things a harness a leash a bed food but no collar but you figured you could stop at a pet store. You paid the lady (not because she needed you to because she gave you a dog for free so you paid her) then wondered off to get food. After you all got food (also you figured you didn't need a souvenir because a dog should be enough let's be real people)you headed back to the rv. Tony just looked at you when you carried the dog and dog stuff Into the rv until you carried the dog bed in "ok what are you doing? I said get food not a dog" "This lady had two dogs one of them was this dude and I said aww cute dogs and she said this one is actually looking for a new home s-"you said before tony interrupted "stop I have already got my answer and honestly I'm fine with it but he's your responsibility." "I'm sorry no...he's me Pietro and Bucky's responsibility this is our child" you stated sassily with a smirk plastered on your face "you know...idhsghajskbsv sure." "Also our child needs a collar he doesn't have one." "ᴸᵒʳᵈ ᴶᵉˢᵘˢ okay fine we will go to the next pet store we see." "YAY!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" You said hugging tony. This was going to be an interesting road trip to say the least.

Hi guys it's the author here and I need to just say I'm very sorry for all the words I got carried away this chapter but if you like this sort of thing like long chapters then just tell me but I hope you liked this chapter ok bye!!

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