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Summary: Pietro is your boyfriend and your sick and he helps take care of you you live in the avengers compound with the rest of the avengers so yeah

Your p.o.v
I woke up this morning feeling like absolute shit my stomach felt horrible my head felt like absolute hell I just felt terrible. "Y/n wake up come on we have training to do." "Noooooooooooooo babe I don't feel good and I have a massive headache"my head hurt even more after saying that. He ran in and I clutched my stomach "aww I'll ask Nat and Wanda if I can take today off so I can take care of you I'll be back." Before I could even respond he was gone I looked at my phone and turned he brightness down and set my phone to dark mode. "alright they said I could take the day off so I can take care of you" he sped off and came back with a mug full of f/d(favorite drink)a thermometer, a washcloth, and my iPad so we could watch a movie. "Thank you bubba"I said smiling(p.s bubba is your nickname for him) he grinned and handed me the thermometer I just turned away hugging my stuffed f/a (favorite animal I have a stuffed whale that I named Pietro after Pietro anyway I got sidetracked) "noooo I don't want to"I said groaning "pleeeeaaase do it for me" He asked with puppy dog eyes uh those always get me. I just glared at him and took the thermometer and put it in my mouth. I crawled up and laid against the backboard of my bed(now I have a headache coincidence I think not) and Pietro squiggled in next to me and pulled the covers over the three of us the extra being my stuffed f/a. "Noooooooooo you're going to get siiiick"I groaned "meh it's worth it"Pietro said and then kissed my forehead.

—time skip because I'm lazy we've been over this— brought to you mom because she made me a smoothie👌🏼 anywhooooo—-

"Breakfast tiiiiiiiiiime!!!!!!"Bucky yelled making my headache even worse then it already is.(ha loser my headaches gone jk jk jk) Bucky then had the audacity to open my door like bitch if you think I'm not going to attack you....your right because I don't feel good.(I'm honestly not sorry about that) "hey lovebirds breakfast is ready"I glared at him and said "go away bitch I don't feel good."(I'm very nice of you that actually is something I would do tbh anyway) "first of all rude second of all let me help take care of you Pietro needs to train for at least a little bit."he said which made me sad I frowned but agreed and Pietro went off to train but Bucky sat next to me and helped me until he came back.

——another time skip——brought to you by Pietro the whale with a cinnamon roll on his head

——another time skip——brought to you by Pietro the whale with a cinnamon roll on his head

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He's to beautiful for this world anyway

After Pietro had finally finished training he came back in the room he was sweating he was wearing Black shorts and wasn't wearing a shirt and he had his chain hanging low(sorry I had to add the chain like I said there kinda hot anyway)Bucky covered my eyes and threw Pietro a shirt "to much skin your distracting the child."(🤣🤣🤣I'm sorry that was to funny)we both laughed but pietro put on the shirt and Bucky uncovered my eyes. I then got out of bed and climbed onto Pietro koala style(like in the road trip one)and hugged him tightly. "I can see someone missed me" he said and I looked up at him nodding. "Bruce said that he was working on some medicine for y/n so I'm going to see how it's going"Bucky said and walked out down to the lab.

Bucky's p.o.v
I left y/n's room and went down to the lab and asked Bruce if her medicine was ready. "Yeah she just had the simple flu(mhm Bruce SIMPLE like honey no I had the flu it was hell ok jeeez) so it was easy to get the medicine here give this to her and she should be good in about an hour." "Thanks Bruce"I said and ran up to give the medicine to y/n

Your p.o.v
I was still hanging on to Pietro when Bucky came in with the medicine and handed it to me. "Bruce said to take this and you should be good in about an hour." I hesitantly lifted the medicine cup to my lips and let the disgusting liquid flow down my throat. I gagged the liquid tasted horrible but I managed to get it down anyway(I started writing that then got distracted on Instagram whoops)I still clung onto Pietro until Bucky tried to steal (insert name of stuffed animal here)then I jumped onto his back and stole it back hehe.

1 hour later

I was finally starting to feel better great actually the first thing that I did an hour later was sneak up on Pietro And junp on his back. And the first thing he did when I did that was turn me around and pull me into a kiss. "HEY AVENGERS MOVIE NIGHT!!!"Tony said walking in of course we didn't notice we were to caught up with each other. "Eeeeeeeew get a room you two." Me and Pietro broke apart and started laughing but laughed even more when nat and Steve came in kissing(I'm sorry for all you non romanoger shippers I ship it I'm sorry) then tony saw what we were looking at and just looked defeated "alright everyone on the couch for movie night!!!!"he yelled once more well this was going to be interesting....

Sup you know who it is ok I got a little sidetracked at the end and yes I know this was horrible but is here so... deal with it anyway I hope at least you guys liked it ok byyyyye

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