Pietro- movie night

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I'm sorry I couldn't help myself I had to do a movie night imagine I'm sorry anyway I hope you like it

Summary: ok so you and pietro are best friends and you live in the avengers compound with the rest of the avengers and your dog👌🏼

Your p.o.v
"Pietro!!!"I yelled tonight was avengers movie night but all of the other avengers were on a mission except me Pietro and Sam. Sam was doing his own thing so it was just me and pietro. "Yes princess" my heart fluttered at the nickname and he knew it but instead of showing him how much the name meant to me I just glared at him playfully. "Movie night remember"i said bopping his head with the DVD's which was a bit hard considering his height is 6 feet and mine is 5'4 (if your not that height just pretend you are for the sake of this chapter thank you) after i put in our movie (insert movie name here)i sat down on the couch next to pietro and laid my head on his shoulder. After a little it started to get chilly I shivered the cold was getting to me now I was only wearing a t-shirt and comfy shorts. Pietro seemed to notice I was cold he took off his hoodie and handed it to me with a warm smile. "But then you'll get cold." "No trust me it's ok princess" that made my heart leap we both slowly leaned in before hearing the elevator doors open and we jumped away before they could notice. "Hey lovebirds" Sam said walking out of the elevator. You didn't even make eye contact you just waved at him. "Oooooook?? I'll be in the training room if you need me." He said already going to the training room. I pouted until Pietro grinned at me and we leaned in again this time our lips connecting in the middle in a soft kiss. "I love you."Pietro said I just grinned and kissed him again. "I should hope so you just kissed me twice."i said giggling both of us had long forgotten the movie and were to caught up in each other to notice the elevator doors opening revealing the rest of the avengers. When you noticed them you blushed and buried your head in Pietro's shoulder giggling. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked hopefully the avengers still standing there. "You haven't even asked me on a date yet." I stated playfully but sarcastically. "But we already kissed so we're already doing things out of order" he said with a grin "well in that case yes."I said with a grin and he leaned in and kissed me again until tony coughed. We all just laughed and played it off like nothing happened

I know this was absolutely horrible I hated it but it's here so...your welcome

Avengers x reader imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt