Road trip part 5

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Hey it's me again yes I know 5 parts in one day woooow deal with it I like writing ok anywhoooo I hope you like the story so far ok back to the story now

Your p.o.v

You woke up to Shilo barking at Koi definitely not the best way to wake up in the morning. Tony had stopped the rv at a truck stop (like the ones with the biiiiiiig trucks yeah those)last night so everyone could sleep so you didn't have to worry about it moving. You tried to move but Pietro's grasp was to tight "no leave" he moaned "ugh I have to walk the dog, baby"
He finally let you go after a few more minutes of struggling after that you went into the bathroom and changed into black legging a f/c (favorite color we've been over this people)oversized hoodie and put on your Birkenstock's(I know very basic white girl of me deal with it peeps) and put on Shilo's harness and leash you heard creaking on the stairs and turned around to see Bucky "morning tree" you said "sloth"he said nodding(like the way you know where your like sup then you nod your head but not the nodding like the yes nod it's the sup nod I'm sorry that took so long explaining) "you wanna take the dog out with me?" "Sure" you handed him the leash and smirked at him. He playfully glared at you for a bit before opening the door and stepping out onto the cold pavement "holy shit it's freezing out here"he said looking literally blue. "Well yeah you bitch because your wearing shorts and a t-shirt" you said laughing "heeeey isn't that my sweatshirt." He asked pointing at you "pfffft yes who's else would it be i dont know my boyfriends" you said sarcastically "no it's not yours it's Pietro's I stole it heehee." You both laughed you looked at each other until you leaned in and hugged him. You hugged until Shilo came up to you and started batting(yes I know cats do this dogs can to stop being petist i dont know what the word is😂somebody help me anywhooo)at your pant leg you both laughed and opened the door. You both went inside and did your own thing until Tony woke up and woke up the rest of the team so we could get moving. Pietro slumped downstairs with a tired look on his face but it brightened when he saw you. "Morning princess" he said coming downstairs fully and kissing you in the temple your heart fluttered at his nickname for you, this happened every time(I mean how could you not have you seen the man...anyway) you giggled and kissed him on the cheek "morning" you said grinning and once again sam was there but didn't say anything(he learned from his mistakes)you then picked up Shilo and he licked Pietro on the cheek you giggled at this. "Heeeey isn't that my hoodie?"you looked over at Bucky and you both started laughing "maaaaaybeeee"you said still laughing "it's ok I think you look cute in my clothes" he said kissing you on the lips this time. You put Shilo down and went to go to your car seat because Tony was starting the car again. You sat in the middle(because Shuri was already sitting there when you got there)Shuri has the window seat you sat in the middle and pietro had the isle seat(some might say you have the worst seat but take in the situation your sitting next to your best friend and your boyfriend so...your really in the best seat)

———First time skip in a while brought to you by Chris Evans Robert Downey Jr. and Elizabeth Olsen's doughnut skit(if you haven't seen it...look it up)———-

Pietro's p.o.v
After we all sat in our seats talking for a while Shilo started getting a bit jumpy so we decided he needed to go for a walk. "Hey Stark Shilo needs to go outside" I said "alright we'll stop at this next gas station"Tony replied.Shilo seemed happy that I spoke up for him. Sure I liked the dog but I was kind of jealous of all the attention that y/n was giving him but if he made her happy then he was ok. We finally got to the gas station and I helped y/n put Shilo's harness and leash on I grabbed her hand and led her outside while I gripped tightly onto Shilo's leash. After Shilo did his business we walked back inside and sat back down. Y/n fell asleep her head resting on my shoulder so I carried her carefully up to here bed and kissed her forehead "sleep tight baby"I whispered, she smiled in response "love you" she mumbled then grinned

Your p.o.v
I went to sleep but got shaken awake by Nat saying it was lunch time "ugh no lunch,sleep"she didn't like that she ended up putting me on her back and carrying me outside. And to top it all off when I fell asleep we were in a very cold state and now we were in a very warm state so I was sweating because I was still wearing my black leggings and sweatshirt. "Uuuugh Nat it's to hot outsiiiidde bring me back in so I can at least change" I groaned, the heat was killing me. "Fine but just because your right it is really hot" I rushed back inside to change. I decide on a f/c (if you don't know what this is I'm disappointed but if you really don't know it's favorite color) and a pair of ripped jean shorts and then I slipped on my slip on vans(if you don't like vans again I'm sorry there just a very popular brand and my favorite brand) and grabbed Shilo's leash and harness and put it on him and handed his leash to Bucky. After I got dressed and put on my shoes and all that crap I walked over to pietro and dragged him with me to get coffee because I was very tired. We got our coffee so we decided to go to the gas station. "Awwww babe look there's a German Shepard stuffed animal that looks just like Shilo." He looked at me with a smile and took two of the German Shepard stuffed animal and a few other things (like snacks)and went over to the register. "Awww you didn't have to do that"I said smiling. "Well you said you wanted a souvenir from every place we went so I decided I would get one for you and one for Shilo."he said with a smile on his face "well than I will get YOU something"I said grinning. "No no no no no your not getting me something I refuse" he begged while paying.

Your p.o.v
I grinned and looked around the store to see something to match the personality of my boyfriend and then I saw a stuffed cheetah

vI grinned and looked around the store to see something to match the personality of my boyfriend and then I saw a stuffed cheetah

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This one heehee and you found a necklace for him

This one I think looks good (yes it's a chain because chains are kinda hot hehe) anyway after Pietro payed you shooed him out so you could pay

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This one I think looks good (yes it's a chain because chains are kinda hot hehe) anyway after Pietro payed you shooed him out so you could pay

I'm sorry I got carried away again but I hope you like this part I'm so sorry that it took so long to post I was busy but this next week I think I'll be posting more so yeah also I'm so sorry if some words are messed up I do proofread later on after I publish so that you guys can read it sooner ok byyyyye!!☺️

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