I should have told her - Steve

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Watch out everyone this ones going to be a real tear jerker so get out the tissues p.s the words that look like ' this ' are the voices in your head

Warnings: swearing but I mean what else is new, major feels like get some tissues people, self harm

You were a shield agent who has been in a coma for 2 years and everyone missed you very much there was a 1% chance you would wake up but one day everything changed(yeah I know it's a horrible summary but I mean I couldn't think of anything else)

Third p.o.v
"Hey y/n I know you can't hear me but I'm here to tell you about what happened today" Steve said tears rolling down his cheeks. "Well I went for my usual run with Sam then we went to breakfast I asked Sharon out on a date she said yes, I miss you." His tears were coming faster now streaming down his cheeks looking at your still body. After a while of silence he was about to say something but he was cut off by the heart monitor beeping signaling that you had flatlined. "DOCTOR SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!" He yelled trying to keep a strong composure. "Excuse me sir could you move please we need to take care of her." A doctor said other doctors rushing into the room. Steve slowly walked out of the room his tears not stopping. After a couple minutes the doctors came out of the room with grim faces and said "I'm sorry we've done everything we could" at that point Steve was breaking down sobbing loudly "NOOOOO!!! Why do you have to go I'm not ready to live without you!!!" Steve screamed sobbing louder.

Your p.o.v
I heard a voice screaming my name but I didn't know who the voice belonged to then it hit me...Steve. The voices in my head fighting I wanted to wake up so bad I wanted to see Steve I needed to see him one last time. 'Steve no I need to see him one last time I miss him wake up wake up!!!' The voices screamed I tried screaming out for him but no words came out of my mouth I tried one last time and the words came out but I fell into a dark abyss of silence.

Doctors p.o.v (p.s this is a random doctor)
"Steve" she whispered before she flatlined again we were trying everything to get her back "CRASH CART!!" I yelled and the cart wheeled up next to me "give me 300!!!" I took the paddles in my hand and put them up against her lifeless body "400!!!" I tried multiple times before I gave up "time of death 5:57" I said sorrowful before I came out to tell her friend the news.

Steves p.o.v
By this point all of the avengers were here mourning her loss but there cries were drowned out I was wordless suddenly I couldn't breathe my breath hitches in my throat I tried to breathe but nothing came in or out. Tears fell down my cheeks faster and faster my heart ached to see her smile again, to hear her laugh one last time, but I knew that would never happen but deep down I hoped it would. I missed her cuddling up to my side, I missed hearing her heartbeat, I missed our movie nights, I missed our game nights, that all went down the drain in one day.

Your p.o.v
I ran through the hydra base hydra people all around me I started shooting at them I thought I got them all but there was one left he shot me twice one in the side and one in my shoulder. I kept strong just long enough to shoot him in between his eyes and then I collapsed on the floor. I groaned in pain and then screamed into the ear peace "I'm down but all the agents on the floor are taken out." I winced as I applied as much pressure as I could to the wounds. "Where are you!" Steve shouted I could hear the concern in his voice "I'm on the third floor!" I shouted then I heard footsteps running towards me. It was Steve he looked at me worried and quickly picked me up bridal style and whispered calming things in my ear running towards the quinjet. I felt my eyelids drooping "hey hey stay with me doll i can't lose you stay awake." He whispered but I couldn't stay awake the last thing I remember was him saying "please don't go I can't lose you, I love you" that was when i fell into a coma.

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