Best friends-Bucky Barnes

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Hola it's me again I know I'm doing a Bucky one but I really wanted to do one so and also I'm sorry for writing so much I just love writing so...yeah ok thank you and enjoy the story

Summary: you and Bucky Barnes are best friends but one day you get into a big fight but you can't live without each other because you love each other k
Warnings: swearing

Your p.o.v
I sat on the couch in the living room at the avengers compound with my best friends Bucky and B/f/n(best friends name) we were just sitting there doing nothing until Bucky spoke up " and my girlfriend went on a date the other day" I tensed up at the word girlfriend I loved him but he didn't know it yet I guess it broke my heart every time I saw them together. He took out his phone and started showing us pictures. But then I snapped I couldn't take it anymore so I got up and walked towards my room until I heard Bucky say "Wtf is wrong with you y/n every time I bring up my girlfriend you get angry why do you hate her so much?" That made me angry "I DONT HATE HER I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed he made me angry but I still loved him. "WTF DO YOU HATE ME WTF DID I DO!!!" That ticked me off it put me over the edge before I was angry,?now I was furious. "BECAUSE YOUR TO FUCKING STUPID TO SEE THAT I LOVE YOU AND YOU BREAK MY HEART EVERY TIME YOU BRING G/N (girls name) UP OK THATS WHY BECAUSE I LOVE YOU OK!!!!!BUT YOU NEVER SAW THAT BECAUSE YOUR TO CAUGHT UP WITH G/N!!!!!i screamed tears streaming down my face I couldn't take it I ran to the gym as fast as I could and when I got in I locked the doors I didn't even bother to tape my hands up before beating the living hell out of the punching bag. Then I just stopped and dropped down on the floor my knuckles bloodied and bruised but I didn't care. My heart was shattered into a million pieces and it was all because of my best friend.

B/f/n p.o.v
I knew Y/n loved Bucky he didn't know that though and I knew Bucky loved y/n. After she snapped and ran off Bucky didn't look mad he looked sad. He punched the wall then slumped down against it and slid to the floor. But good for them they had an amazing best friend and I had a plan to get them together. As soon as y/n left Bucky broke up with his girlfriend who turned out to be cheating anyways so that part of the plan was taken care of. I told Bucky my plan he seemed on board here was my plan Y/n always loved playing hide and seek so I would tell her we were playing hide and seek then have Clint or one of the avengers seek then Bucky would find out where Y/n was hiding and ask if he could hide with her then tell her about his feelings and booooom.

——time skip——-
Brought to you by me because I'm a lazy bitch

B/f/n p.o.v
My plan was in action Bucky was headed over to wear y/n was hiding already

Your p.o.v
I decided to hide in Bucky's closet because no one would suspect me to be in here but I couldn't help but relax everything smelled like him. I was in there for a bit when I heard the door open I was hidden behind some hoodies so hopefully they wouldn't find me. Bucky looked down and saw me and we made eye contact and then he swiftly but quietly closed the closet door. "Can we talk about earlier?" I knew this was coming sooner or later "I guess" I was scared would he mad? "I love you too" my heart thumped against my chest he felt the same way was he joking because it wasn't funny. "You do?" I couldn't help it a smile spread across my face. I studied him to make sure he wasn't joking I looked at his eyes then at his lips they stayed there for a little before traveling back to his eyes. We leaned in and our lips met I felt fireworks go off my heart was thumping against my chest I didn't care if he heard it. My hands tangled themselves in his hair his snakes around my waist holding me close.

B/f/n p.o.v
Clint was the seeker and had found everyone but Bucky and Y/n I hoped that she hadn't killed him. So I helped Clint look I then had an idea I checked Bucky's closet and sure enough there they were I honestly hoped I hadn't found them because they were making out in his closet and now I need to bleach my eyes. They finally noticed my presence and pulled away blushing I turned on my heel and headed downstairs them trailing behind the rest of the team was in the living room sitting there. "So where were they hiding?" Tony asked I shook my head and said "making out in his closet." The team just looked at them surprised and disgusted they just blushed.

That was horrible I know but here it is I'm sorry for that chapter honestly anyway okay bye I'm ashamed of myself for writing that

I'm rereading this and I found a mistake instead of writing y/n I accidently wrote Alex which is the name of my Oc anyway

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