Trying my best - peter

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Sup people I know another sad story but I read a sad fan fiction and Im listening to sad songs so...

Summary: so in this one peter is your boyfriend and he gets upset at you because he's had a rough day and also this takes place after endgame and before far from home and tony was your dad and this takes place at the compound(it got rebuilt)

Your p.o.v
"Hey" peter said stepping out of the elevator. "Hey, sorry dinners not ready yet I was just training" I said quietly, "that's not an excuse." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. "You need to do more around here you know" he said a little bit louder I couldn't believe him he knows I'm going through a hard time why can't he just understand. "Well I'm sorry if you want me to do more than why don't you do it yourself" I said getting a bit angry. "WELL IM SORRY I WAS TAKING A WALK TO GET MY MIND OFF EVERYTHING THATS BEEN GOING AROUND!" He said shouting now. I was crying now tears streaming down my cheeks I was angry but scared because I'd never seen Peter so angry he was always such a quiet person. "YOU THINK I HAVE LESS GOING ON, MY FATHER DIED AND THE PERSON WHO WAS JUST AS CLOSE TO ME(Steve) IS ALSO DEAD(we're just going to pretend he is) AND I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE SISTER (Morgan) WHO IS ALSO SAD BECAUSE SHES JUST FIVE YEARS OLD!!" I yelled sobbing now. "Im trying my best" I said my voice now a soft whisper. Peter next did something I least expected he came over and trapped me in a tight hug and I just now noticed he was also crying. I hugged him back and we stayed like that for what felt like ages both of us shaking and sobbing tears setting each other's shirts. "I'm sorry I saw a picture of him again on my walk." He said quietly and just cried louder " I forgive you I understand how hard it is for you it's just as hard for me" " I know but you have it worse, he was your dad" I just cried more and more getting all my tears out. "Are you ok" a small voice came from the stairs I looked over and it was Morgan. I cried more and then separated from Peter making my way to Morgan. I picked her up and reassured her "yeah we're just sad because we miss daddy" a few more tears slipped down my cheeks and I walked over to the couch sitting down her sitting on my lap. "I miss him too but dont worry we still have mommy and Peter" she said with a small smile but more tears kept coming down my cheeks. "Yeah we do" I say my voice raspy from crying.

——————-Time skip 5 hours later—————-

Your p.o.v
Morgan was asleep by now it was about 11:00 at night and me and peter were sitting in the lab going through the drawers. I was ruffling through a drawer when i saw a small photo of me and him at my middle school graduation and as I picked it up memories flooded my mind.

as soon as the graduation was over I ran to my mom, dad and little sister who at the time was only about two years old. "Congratulations pumpkin I'm so proud of you" my dad said with a proud smile. "Daaaaad I told you I'm not a little girl anymore" I groaned. "I know, I know but I want to savor these moments the next thing I know you'll be giving me grandkids" he said with a small smile. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that for a while dad" I laughed. "I should hope not I don't want Morgan to be an aunt yet" I laughed again. "But seriously I'm proud of you, you did good"

Flashback over

A tear slipped down my cheek as his words replayed in my head. "Hey, you ok?" Peter asked and I just nodded I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. "I know when your lying cmon you can tell me" I just let another tear slip one after the other. "No I'm not ok I really miss him and this photo didn't help" I said in a soft whisper while showing him the photo. "Cmon I think it's time you go to bed you've had a rough day" I nodded and we headed up to my room. As soon as we got there I looked at my wall of polaroids and smiled they were filled with good memories a lot of them with my dad.

I layed down and peter turned around to leave but I stopped him. "Can you stay please?" I asked. "Of course" he said and smiled and laid down next to me his arms wrapping around me. I smiled and drifted off to sleep cuddling up against him while he placed small kisses on my shoulder.

Why hello there I hope this wasnt to sad I just I had to get my feelings out on paper or whatever you want to call this, digital paper? I dont know anyway yeah I hope you like it and I hope it wasn't to long and also please go comment on my prompts chapter because I don't really know what to write so comment on the ones you would like me to write and what character you want me to use so yeah I love you my beautiful cacti!!!byyyyeeee😌

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