Road trip part 4

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After you got into the rv with the rest of the team everyone crowded around you to see the new addition to the team. But you hadn't even figured out a name for him yet so you shooed then away while you Pietro and Bucky found him a name until it hit you, "SHILO!!!!"you shouted(I'm sorry that's my dogs name so...but if you would like I can just put d/n for dogs name instead but comment to let me know which one) "YES!" Bucky and pietro Shouted at the same time. You then went over to everybody's seat and introduced them to Shilo the new recruit. After a while tony had announced that you had gotten to the pet store for Shilo. You and Bucky put on his harness and leash you let Bucky take your child out side while you put on your shoes. You were about to go out the door when Pietro grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a long sweet kiss. " hey lovebirds wrap it up!"you heard tony yell "I don't want to be here longer than I need to!" You giggle and walked out of the rv when you got outside Pietro immediately grabbed your hand (geez talk about clingy jk we love you pietro)You saw another dog and Shilo whimpered backing up so you picked him up so he wouldn't be scared. After you let Shilo pick out a few toys you went over to look at collars. You saw so many so you let Shilo choose one, you set him down and he raced towards all the collars sniffing all of them one by one until he stopped and pulled one off the shelf and waddled over to you and dropped it at your feet it was a bright (insert color here) collar and it matched his personality warm and bubbly. The rest of the team was just wandering around the pet store and got a few new teammates (whoops) and after you all paid for your things you showed each other what you got it turns out T'challa got an orange tabby cat and named it koi. Koi and Shilo surprisingly got along but anywho back to what we got, you got a little carried away shopping and got Shilo a lot of new things. You got him a lot of new toys, you got him an on the go water bottle a crap ton of treats a collar and a ton of other stuff that I won't list because that would take a bit to long ( also because I'm lazy we've already established this though) After you all finished showing off what you got you put Shilo's things in you Natasha and Shuri's room they didn't mind of course. When you were done you stood there admiring your work until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You turned around and were met with Pietro's baby blue eyes "Pietro what are you doing I thought you were watching something with Bucky?"you asked "well princess if you must know I came to see my amazing beautiful girlfriend" you giggled and pecked him on the lips wrapping your arms around his neck he frowned "that's all I get" you rolled your eyes and he kissed you again slower this time

Bucky's p.o.v
(Trust me this is relevant to the story)
Pietro had gone to check on Y/N but hadn't come back yet so I went to check on him I went up the stairs(remember it's a double decker rv) and knocked on the door to Y/N's room Pietro opened the door and grinned "miss me?" He asked I laughed "hardly just checking on Y/N" he laughed even harder at this and Y/N came around the corner and hugged me slowly wrapping her legs around my waist. "Hey tree" she said grinning "hey sloth." We all went back down the stairs and played with Shilo until it was time for bed

Your P.o.v
Finally after a long day me Pietro and Shuri we're watching a movie my eyelids were getting heavy. "You getting sleepy princess" Pietro asked i nodded my head in response. He picked me up bridal style and stopped at the stairs when I said"Doooggy" I pointed at Shilo who was in the middle of Bucky and Sam they fighting over who Shilo liked more but when Shilo saw me he ran over to me I giggled and said "I guess he likes me better than the two of you combined" everyone laughed at this. Shuri picked Shilo up and handed him to me because she was the closest one to him, then Pietro carried me and Shilo up to bed. He set Shilo down in his bed and me down in mine. Pietro was about to leave when I said "nooooooooo please stay I don't want anymore nightmares"I said and frowned he smiled at me before climbing into bed next to me cuddling me close to his chest.Shilo I guess he thought that he was being left out so he tried jumping up onto the bed but of course his little legs were to short so Pietro picked him up and put him on the foot of the bed and he curled up. After that Pietro cuddled me again and before I knew it i was asleep

Hey guys it's me again I really liked this chapter because it was more fluffy (pun intended)but I don't know if you guys like this type of stuff so please comment and tell me what you think

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