Paige - Sebastian Stan

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I'm back bitches and I have inspiration and motivation the two things I really needed also this story is based off me daydreaming about this dont ask questions anyway

Summary: ok so in this one Seb is your dad and you are sad because you don't get to spend a lot of time with him until you get a role as Buck's daughter and you have three dogs one being your service doggo also seb adopted you when you were like a couple months old so yeah(damn that was a long summary, future me proofreading and this was barely a summary but ok)

Your p.o.v(I mean what else is new also that rhymes)
"Daaaaaaaad do you have to go why can't you have a day off for once." I said. "Yes don't worry you have Jefferson, Asa, and Jade(these are the ones from my daydream so there random but Jefferson isn't random it goes with the story later on trust me) with you" I groaned "I know but I want you your always filming or at an interview." I said with tears in my eyes but I tried not to show it. "Do you want me to call Lizzie to come watch you." (Funny we call my sister Lizzie anyway, future proofreading me again just shut up and get to the story child jeez) I couldn't help but let a tear fall down my face I felt that Lizzie was here more than dad was. "Yes please" I croaked out and that's when he finally looked up at me and came over and hugged me tightly "aww baby please don't cry don't worry I'll be back before you know it ok?" I nodded my head in a response more tears flowing down my cheeks. "Ok I have to go but I'll call Lizzie and see if she can come over and if she can't I'll ask Chris alright love you pumpkin" he kissed my forehead squeezed em one last time then walked out of the door and as soon as he did the tears came faster and faster more falling every second until I couldn't hold it in. I bawled and bawled with Jefferson Jade and Asa all by my side(also Asa is your service dog and there all big dogs Asa is a German Shepard Jade is a golden retriever and Jefferson is an Aussie puppy he's like 8 months old smol bean🥺) you could barely fit us all on THE COUCH.(if you know that reference we need to be friends ASAP) I cried hugging all the dogs until the door creaked open and I saw scarletts head pop in along with Lizzie's (also if you didn't catch on, I mean Elizabeth Olsen you just call her Lizzie) I covered my face not wanting them to see me broken. "Hey girlie your dad called us and told us you needed some company" scarjo said. I just cried more at the mention of my dad and hugged the dogs tighter burying my face into there fur until they decided to go say hi all except Asa of course. I finally looked up and they saw my puffy eyes and tear coated cheeks. "Aww are you okay sweetie what's wrong" They said and then came over and sat on the couch. I shook my head and said "dad is always out doing interviews or filming and I barely get to see him anymore I see you guys more than i see him." I stated starting to bawl again I clearly was not emotionally stable today. They rubbed slow circles on my back and looked at each other and nodded. "Well then we have some good news for have been asked to play the daughter of Bucky because well your Sebastian's daughter and he plays Bucky so, you get the gist." I just looked at them wide eyed while I scratched behind Asa's ears that always calmed me down and then I wiped off my tears. "Really?" They nodded there heads "her name is Paige and she helps her dad sometimes fight the evil bitches." I laughed for the first time in what seemed like ages but I then realized "what about Asa?" They both grinned "the director said you can bring him since he is your service dog so..." I just grinned with them "ok" I said and they looked at each other excitedly before calling up the director. "Hello" the voice on the other side said "she said yes" they both squealed into the phone. "Omg ok so we need to do costume fitting we need to give her a script book bring her in tomorrow we'll get everything sorted out and y/n" "yes?" I was confused but excited "you can bring Asa, heck you can bring all of them in sure the cast will need a little pick me up filming has been rough lately" I just grinned and nodded so happy. And that was how I landed the role of Paige Barnes.

TIME SKIP BITCHES (I know you might be saying what there's more and my answer is HELL YEA you think I'm going to end this thing with only like 700 words heck to the no no I just mentally face palmed what am I doing with my life? anyway)

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