Chapter 5 ♡

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I'm taking a moment to say I love my readers 😭

Song of the day: Pretty girl by Maggie Lindermann.


My alarm shrieks through the room, my eyes flutter open as the sun was spilling sunlight into my room and my head begin to pound, I hold my head in pain as couldn't sleep properly, my dreams were all about blood, gushing out of a doll.

How is that even possible?

My alarm goes off again.

Do you have to ruin the little peaceful sleep I finally had the chance to have!

I thought while i try to get out of bed yawning.

I'm really too lazy to stand with my moveable joint denying me for a while, i crawl my way into the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, my big, brown eyes have bags under them and my blonde hair is a total mess.

"Time to get you all fixed up" I whisper as I take few strands of my hair and tuck it behind my ear.

It's finally my first day in my second year in college. Weird description. I know

I'm finally going to the outside world in weeks.
I get to college has usual, with Bianca of course.
Made my way to class, took my seat and I look around like I had been in a cave for long and actually seeing the outside world for the first time and at thesame time wishing to go back to being in a cave.

"Is this seat taken?"

"No" My mouth automatically opens to say before I could look up to see who it is.

A baby-faced smiling dude, but cute too

I scoff mentally and reach out to bring my textbook out as the lecturer walked in minutes earlier and demanded for it to make his lectures easy for the day.
Everything seemed fine till it hit me I left the textbook behind in my room. My eyes wandering about nervously,

"I don't mind sharing mine with you, Allison".

Was it that obvious I left a textbook behind?

I ask myself before thinking about the 'situation'.

He...... freaking called me Allison!

"Someone's been stalking me, huh?" I utter pretending to be paying attention to what the lecturer is saying but knowing fully well I'm freaking out inside with my heartbeat increasing rapidly.

"It's not my fault that you never noticed me since our first year" he says keeping a straight face.

"But I got to know through ----

"Now, for the pairing, we have....." we hear the lecturer state loudly.

"Drew and Kimberly",

"Theressa and Peter",

"Jasper and Phoebe",

"Allison and Seth"

Okay now, what the hell is going on?

"---exactly, I'm Seth and it's so nice to meet you" he continues sarcastically, extending his hands.

"But h-h-how did you..... never mind. Nice to meet you also" I stutter, later giving up but actually wanting to know the story.

This conversation was getting stressed, I don't have the energy to deal with it and at this point, I give up on my curiosity.

It is what it is.

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