Chapter 20 ♡

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Song of the day: Lonely by Justin Bieber



“What a nice party you’ve got here.”

Her voice rings in my ears and I put on a fake smile unknowingly as I adjust the collar of my suit and turn to her circling her finger on the edge of a glass of champagne. I feel the fake smile plastered on my face disappear.        According to my father, a smile could go a very long way in business and I definitely do not agree with that but I do it anyways as this is one of the situations where it should be needed.
A business party.

“Yes?” I smirk slyly at one of the numerous gums in my butt. Yes, I agree with father’s theory when it comes to business deals or sealing them and I very much sure business deals aren’t annoying noise making machines. Right?

I walk towards her and she stretches out her hand which have the glass of champagne her lips were glued on earlier, trying to flirt with me but I smile slightly still going her way as her face beams up with excitement, but not at her. Little does she know I wasn’t walking up to her but to the bald old man standing right behind her.

“Mr. Blacks.” I greet the old man who is standing next to a woman I assume to be his, you know, I will love you till the end comes? Wife? Spouse?

“Mr. Sanchester.“ He laughs “here is my wife, Vanessa and…” his voice trails off when he gestures to his wife and she grins loudly as I smile at her. There is something familiar about her grins, those disturbing sounds starts to get to me.

“And” he coughs in embarrassment, rescuing his wife from her, what do girls call it, fantasy? Imagination? 
“and here’s my daughter, Leah” he gestures to his daughter and I scoff in realization when my face meets hers.

Like mother, like daughter!

“Pleasure meeting you Mr. Sanchester.”  One of the numerous gums in my butt chirps, stretching out her hands again, this time for a hand shake. And at that very moment I spot the thing that had changed my life in ways I couldn’t even comprehend.

Something that induced a new version of me I’ve never seen before. Something I’d recognize any day and anytime, that’s how dirty it has done me. I do a lot of stuffs, good and bad, that I don’t get punished for or even get queried for, but why do myself punish me for this. It makes no sense it wasn’t at the back of her palm when she passed out in the hallway. This is the reason! It can’t be a coincidence that she attends the same college and has the same tattoo, can it? I’ll have to find out.

“Can I have a dance?” She asks me in a sexual enthralling tone.

“ Yes” The word dies down in my throat as I end up accepting her request.

Let’s just get this over with, maybe I’ll stop thinking about how unfairly I have treated her.

She holds my hands and we start moving towards the dance floor. A slow music begins to play in the background, I place my hand on her waist and we start to sway to the music. It was dead quiet on my side as I didn’t say anything for minutes, which was starting to get me bored and pissed off at her grinning and chuckling.

“So?” I break her grinning

“Nice tattoo, huh?” I stare at the back of her palm when I take the wrist which had them in mine. She shivers with my touch and I smirk.

“Don’t tell me you’re one of the guys who characterize someone by a stereotype?” She fakes sadness and I scoff inside of me.

“And by stereotype, you mean?” I whine her back.

“Come on, that all girls with tattoos either big or small, I don’t know,” she scoffs, “ are bad or something” she shakes her head dramatically as she rolls her eyes at the same time, like girls do in movies when giving lame excuses.

“So are you saying you haven’t done anything bad, even recently?” I tease her with a sly smirk playing on my face.

“Sneaking out isn’t bad right?” she laughs.

“Huh-uh” I murmur, closing the proximity between us as she squeals.

“Oh yes, I barged into someone’s office, no, no, broke into it” she corrects herself feeling excited like an assassin that she isn’t. So I scoff in my head.


“And not only that” she leans forward, chuckling and whispers into my ear, “into someone’s office, dressed as someone else” she leans back and winks at me and an evil and victorious laugh escapes my lips.


At least a new heart would give me rest. I think the present one is condemned; if not why does it push me to care for her when she doesn’t even care about herself? I want to know more about her, try to understand why she lets some things happen and doesn’t even feel bothered a bit. Who gets cool with being framed and suspended? Not even saying a word back, she didn’t even insist instead she let me carry on and took her sorry ass out of his office that day. That brings me to the various possibilities of why she doesn’t behave like a Ronn, I mean I got punched in the face by her brother and her father helped during the recent crisis in the company.

Isn’t she supposed to resent me? And not even want to see me in the face?  She even speaks casually to me each time like she’s having a conversation with me for the first time. Who is the ‘her’ a minute or hour later and the ‘he’ before the day ends? I had seen her freeze on the street the other night on my way home, crying and screaming but he got to her first. I also appointed Carter to look her up but there’s nothing mysterious about her family that came up. Am I just being this way because she’s something and someone I will never understand? Something which has power over me and challenges me? Is it just my curiosity? Is it a challenge I’m willing to take?


“It’s also this problematic phoning you, great.” I hear from the other side of the call and I place it on the loud speaker to tie up my hair for sleep.

“You can as well go straight to the point, you know.” I shoot back as I throw a sleep vitamin in my mouth to chew.

“Tristan, 6:30pm. At your front door. We’re going to a business party” His husky voice does as told.
Tristan, 6:30pm? At your front door? We’re going to a business party?

“Excuse me?” I ask in a dangerously calm voice.

“I will send someone to pick you up by that time or do you prefer me?”

The nerves of this guy!

“You must be exhausted from work get some sleep, will you?”

“Considering you missed your MGMNT project months ago, I suggest you just take this helping hand and join me on mine so you get to cover up, you don’t really want to retake that class, trust me. It’s my final year project.” He tells me.

“And why would you want to do that?” I ask curiously.

“Are you in or not?" He asks me in an irritating tone.

I really don’t want to retake Mr. Allen’s class, I’ll be doomed and treated like a “landlord” or “chairman” of his class, that’s literally what he calls people who retakes his class. Trust me, the most unpopular kid can become so popular just by retaking his class. I can’t believe I’m doing this.
Well, right now I’m too tongue tied to snap back at him so I shoot him the ‘I’ll get you later’ look to which he can’t see of course.

“Okay okay.” I pipe up before he says something else or changes his mind.

“6:30pm it is!” I song-say sarcastically, out of excitement.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
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