Chapter 21 ♡

49 33 22

Song of the day: Positions by Ariana Grande.



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Tristan's tuxedo.

Allison's first outfit

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Allison's first outfit.


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Allison's dress.



I slowly open my eyes to check the clock and it’s 5:57pm. Groaning, I throw my hands over my face, I must have been really tired to have slept from when I got back from college till now. I had seen him in college today but to my expectation, he acted like we don’t have plans this evening, he completely ignored me and passed by. But you know what? I’m not in the mood for that, I just want to do this and never see his face again, actually, any of their faces.

It took me 10 minutes to go to the bathroom and freshen up –I also got ready between the space of the 10 minutes, so I decided to head down to the kitchen to have some water.

I walk down the stairs, into the kitchen in my loose white silky blouse, a crazy –but not too crazy jeans and my white converse. Yes, that. I don’t really feel the business party thingy. I see Blake sitting on a stood at the central counter and his head snaps to me when I walk towards the refrigerator to get a cold bottle of water. I grab the bottle and walk up to a stood beside his and he asks,

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