Chapter 15 ♡

59 42 13

Song of the day: Your eyes tell by BTS.


Allison's P.O.V.

I come to my senses and twitch my eyes, no, it's just dawn and it's just beginning to brighten with daylight, so it's not the sunlight causing me to twitch but a throbbing, stabbing head pain. I only realize that after I successfully open my eyes. I feel my tongue in tight contact with my palate and my throat walls dry and itchy.

I push my self up my bed, gathering up strength, I use my right arm to push myself backwards and my left arm goes up in contact with my forehead when I feel a sharp pain there. I finally rest my back on my headboard.

I dart my tongue out to wet my dry lips as I take a look at my surroundings. I spot an empty IV bag connected by a thin drip tube to a hollow needle hanging on a stand beside me when I turn right and I let out a heavy sigh as I shut my eyes.

That explains it all.

My stomach churns and I see a full glass of water on my beside table as a result of my attempt to head to the kitchen. I sip a little water and head to the kitchen with the glass cup still in my hands. I walk into the kitchen and place the almost empty glass of water on the central counter when I see Blake turn on the cooker and he starts to make or cook something. I think of what to say for a while

"Good heavens" He sees at me before I could say something.

"Morning to you too" I greet him as he abandons what he had going on and wipe his hands with a napkin.

"Do you feel better?" He asks me and stretch both his arms towards me, placing them on my shoulders, he slightly bends, making eyes contact with me. He shakes me like a puppy after a while, waiting for a response.

"Yeah." I cough. I watch him walk over to the spot he was originally, before he came over to me.

"What are you making?" I ask curiously because I need a fast food to eat, I need something in my stomach right away.

"Spaghetti. Yummy, right?" I sigh at his choice of food, it's going to take some minutes.
I don't even have a minute.
I can't wait.
I need...

"You haven't even started boiling the pasta" I scoff and say when I had processed what he said.

"I said that a minute ago" He points out jokingly and I change the topic after seeing where this topic is going and knowing the next question to follow.

I'm really fine.

"I'll be eating this while you prepare the spaghetti" I walk over to him and stand on my toes as I open the cupboard. I bring out a packet of spaghetti and a box of coco pops.

"Thanks sis." He says when I hand him the packet. I walk up to a tall chair at the other side of the central counter, grabbing a jug of milk from the refrigerator on my way. I sit and Blake hands me a bowl and a spoon.

"Thank you." I smile at him. I pour alot of milk into the bowl and some pops into the milk as the pops make splashing sounds. I take my first two spoons and stare into the bowl. I start waving my spoon from left to right, right to left, up to down and down to up in the milk, taking the pops caught in the curve of the spoon along with it.

Did she really change that much over the month?

Seth had told me everything yesterday before I had fallen asleep out of exhaustion last night.

For there to be betrayal they would have to have been trust first.

Those words of Blake from last night rings in my head.

"It's her loss, not yours" Blake interrupts my thinking.

"Now go get ready, Seth will be here soon. He got worried last night when you had a really bad fever and fell unconscious"

"I had a feeling something like that happened" I admit and head for the stairs.

"You forgot your breakfast young lady" He tells me over his shoulder and I walk back to grab my bowl of cereal.

"What happens to the spaghetti?" He asks, pretending to be be offended as he smirks.

"Seth can have mine" I call back at him as I walk up the stairs.

"Seth?" He calls out to me.

"Hmmm-mmhmm" I mumble and nod as I munch on my pops and walk up the stairs at the same time.

My heart starts beating a crazy drum by the time I reach the lecture hall and settle for a back seat. For some unknown reason, I feel pretty tense, maybe because of the fact that everyone seems to be murmuring, glaring or glancing at me and also the fact that yesterday was a show day and something which shouldn't be known to the people who barely know me was spilled by the best best-friend in the whole wide world. I scoff.

I sink into my seat and luckily for me I'm sitting behind a tall figure.


"Honey, are you in?" I hear my dad ask.

"Yup!" I yell and sit up from my bed. I watch him and mom enter and she smiles.

"Are you fine?" She asks as she cups my cheeks and cleans, who knows, an imaginary tear, or, I don't know, off my face with her thumb.

I smile and nod at her.

"Good" she nods back and hold my hands in hers.

"Saw this mail, it's for you" He tells me as he stares mysteriously at the envelope in his hands, flipping it sideways.

"Thank....." I arch an eyebrow as he hands me the envelope. "" I collect the envelope and stare at it, flipping it sideways like he did earlier as an attempt to find who it's from.

"I love you" I hear him call out from the door step and mom stands up from the edge of the bed, wiping her hands on her jeans, she walks over to him and they close the door behind them.

I hold the envelope with my left hand and use the index finger on my right to tap the edge of the envelope as I keep thinking, what was in it and who sent it?. I chew on my bottom lip nervously and let out an uneasy breath.
Still chewing on my bottom lip, I open the envelope and slide out the paper in it.

Bianca did it

I look at the writing skeptically and alot of questions begin to flood my head, the likes of,

Who wrote this?

What's this about?

If it's about the slap, then sorry I already got slapped already, duhhh

What is going on with me lately?

I slide my feet into my flip flop, head for my closet and put on a sweat shirt. I tie my hair into a pony tail. All these because I feel suffocated. I head out to the front yard afterwards.

I close the front door and walk a little bit down the front step then sit on it with both my hands in between my legs and my face raised, facing the sky.

Can't some miracle happen?
And everything just goes back to normal?

Cold air fills the environment as the wind lifts some strands of my hair that couldn't be packed and tied into a pony tail.

I wipe off the tears I never knew I was shedding when a voice cuts in.
"You really shouldn't waste those. Save them for later" I hear and sniffle before I look to see who.

"What are you doing here?" I drawl and stand up to my feet dusting my butts.

"Save the tears for me, only I will make you shed them" he tells me with a smirk playing on his face.

"What are you..."

"See you soon." Andrew leaves.

As I promised, here's an update. And I hope you really love it and c'mon guys I understand the silent reading thing, but don't you think I'd really be eager and happy to interact with you or update really fast? Anyways we're at 800+ reads!!!!
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