Chapter 10 ♡

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Song of the day: No tears left to cry by Ariana Grande.

Tristan’s  P.O.V

“I need you to get the deal done today son” my Dad states picking up his phone and patting my shoulders.

“Sure will, I’ll be leaving then” I reply heading out of his study room.

“Let’s go” I say as I open the door to the driver’s sit and Ray steps into the passenger seat beside me.

I drive to school laughing and chatting with Ray as he keeps teasing me as to why I’m still single.

“Not after what Lana did”

“People actually think you considered Lana your girlfriend, you’re broken by what she did or probably think you cared about every other person you’ve been with and that ‘people’ definitely isn’t me dude” he says raising an eyebrow

“that’s false’ I hush him.

“Whatever you say, whatever you say bro” he laughs as I drive into the parking lot.

“in class” he says and pat me on my arm.

“I’ll be in class” he adds after sensing the look of confusion displayed on my face.

“Oh” I cut in and leave.

I step into the conference room, walk up to the Vice chancellor and shake hands with him with a professional smile spreading across my face.
Uncle Aaron has been best friend to my Dad and a second Dad to me but I’m standing right here as a business man not his godson.

“Hi, take your seat” he says trying to keep it professional too.

Let’s see who gives in first.

I mentally smirk.

“Thanks Mr Reese” I reply taking my sit.

“I signed the papers already since it’s not my first time working with Mr Sanchester, the only thing left now is what you would like to name the residence hall” he fills in keeping a straight face.

Oh, I like this.

“That’s nice…..” I pause

“….what about a residence for females, Chloe’s hall.” I finally add after a lot of thought.

“Chloe it is” he repeats as he ends a call when his phone rings.

“I’ll send the papers to you” he fills in as his phone rings again.

“I’ll get them on my way, you should pick that” I tell him.

So much to keep it professional

“Thanks buddy” typical Uncle Aaron.


We both burst into laughter.

“You lost” I call out smiling as I close the door behind me.

Uncle Aaron is one of the few people who are true and genuine to my family and he’ll always be welcomed to the family any time any day.
I smile remembering the video games we play, the advice he gives and the way we both tease my Dad most of the time as he is too serious and busy all the time. It’s so nice to see Dad has someone like Uncle Aaron to at least give him a D in his social life, Dad is all about work and I am too, but I have fun some times, most times, who cares.

I bump into someone breaking me free from the thought of my family and I take a look at the person.

It’s a her.

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