Chapter 13 ♡

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Song of the day: The truth untold by BTS.

Seth’s P.O.V.

I hope she’s okay.

It’s has been hours since she ran off after having a conversation with mom which was not only weird but very weird. I ran after her but I managed to miss her. What could mom have said to her? That’s not important right now.

Where are you, Allison?
I’m really worried about you. I hope you…..

I pull in at the side of the road as the ruckus on the other lane breaks me from my long train of thoughts. I notice a girl standing at the middle of the road, not moving, causing the ruckus.

“Allison!” I whisper immediately the image of the girl dawn upon me and I begin to run hastily to the other lane.

“Allison” I call out to her running but she squats in the middle of the road with car horns making ear blasting sounds which doesn’t seems to bother her, neither did me calling out to her did.

I stop right before her, after maintaining my balance, I grab her obvious wrist and pull her up to her feet but she doesn't look at me. I cup her cheeks and make her look at me as I bend slightly to see her face also.

The sight of her swollen cheeks, red eyes, wet chin and shivering lips greets me. I pause and blink in shock when she hugs me so tight that her fingers were literally digging into my back and it hurts but not as much as it hurts seeing her hurt this way.

I hug her back with one arm and use the other arm to gesture to the vehicles to give us a minute by raising my index finger then I pat her head as she sobs.

“She left”

“She left”

Who, Allison? Who left?

I swallow my thoughts back as they were threatening to come out.

“Let’s get you home” I tell her as I pull away from the hug and she nods lightly with so much pain and agony displaying in her red eyes.

We walk to my car with my arm around her shoulders supporting her on the way and we drive home in silence, which I understand so I let the glass on her side down, allowing fresh air passage in, the last thing I’ll want to do right now is to make her feel more suffocated on the outside than she already is on the inside.

Allison’s P.O.V.

“Blake” I run to him as I step into the house, he holds my hands for a while trying to read my eyes and search for the answers to his questions which eventually became a success as he pulls me in for a hug.

“Can’t we go back in time and change all this?” He says over my shoulder as he pats me on the head affectionately.

“I can create a time machine, you know” he says like a nerd and I couldn’t help but to laugh, sniffling in between. I break the hug to see my dad standing beside Blake.

“Are you okay honey?” he asks and I nod with my tears seeking permission to their freedom.

“Everything will be fine” he hugs me and whispers.

“Sit” he tells me after breaking the hug and leading me to a sofa.

“I’ll get you something to drink” Blake smiles sadly and he turns on heels to see Seth standing meters away.

“You want something too, Seth?” Blake asks making my dad also look at Seth’s way.  Blake and dad had all their attention on me not even noticing Seth’s presence for once. He must have felt bad but not more than he’s confused and really in the dark.

I watch as Seth stands close to the front door lost in thought.

He is in pain just by seeing me this way, what if he knows my story and he looks at me differently, with pity or I don’t know, all the time?

Can someone who sees a lot of things to question but doesn’t, instead he stands by me always, do that? Look at me with pity?

He didn’t ask any questions or utter a word throughout the drive.

Who wouldn’t, after a lot of things he witness coupled with tonight’s, right?

Who are you, Seth?

I stare at him as I have a conversation in my head and dad stares at Seth and I, moving his gaze from me to Seth continuously.

“Blake and I have some important business upstairs” he says then coughs as Blake hands me a glass of orange juice and nods. I grab my dad’s wrist when he attempts to take his hands off my shoulder.

“You’ll be fine” he tells me under his breath and I shoot him the ‘are you sure about this?' look. He nods and squeezes my shoulder slightly then leaves.

I watch as they both retreat upstairs.

After 3 minutes of me staring and Seth lost in thought, I fake choking and I gain his attention as he looks my way.

“It was over 10 years ago” I start patting an empty space beside me on the sofa I’m sitting on and he walks over and sits.

“I just clocked 7 years that morning and it just felt weird throughout that day, but being the innocent kid I was….” I pause and I chuckle sorrowfully, remembering the way I had been so energetic without knowing what was going to hit me that day. I lean forward and place the glass of orange juice I pretended to have choked on, on the small table beside the sofa.

“All what I wanted was to spend my birthday with my family, that wasn’t too much to ask, you know. I was stuck with Blake and a birthday cake which comforted me as both of my parents were out that day.” I tilt my head upward and look up as I try to push back my tears.

“I had come there” I point across the room, towards the kitchen counter.

“I came downstairs to eat some cake, I actually came down for water but the cake was so tempting that I had dug my hands into it being the innocent kid I said I was earlier and as I was about…” I mutter towards the ends as sob rises in my throat and I clear my throat, sniffing.

“And as I was..." I sniffle "about to munch on my cake, I saw her lying in a pool of her own blood” I burst out in quiet tears with my head down, nervously playing with my fingers.

“Who?” He asks as he holds my hands and I raise my head to see his eyes and pain.

“My mom. Ella” I tell him with my head down again. I don’t want him seeing me so weak so I try as much as possible to avoid eye contact.


“Jane is my step-mom” I cut in.

“And not only did I see her dying, I saw the murderers make their way out of the house. And I trying moving to get help, but I couldn’t just move, just to move to get help, I couldn’t do that for my mom.” I sob as he pats the back of my palm, not even granting him extra minutes or seconds to take in what I had just told him.

“I passed out and woke up on her funeral” I sniff as I say the sentence. I sob quietly and he hugs me. I inhale his scent and I close my eyes.

“I’m…I’m sorry” he mutters as a result of him trying to process all that I had told him.

“I’m here now” He adds.

“But you’re not..” he hushes me as he pats my head slowly.

“I know, I know. But I can add to the pillars of support you have already. I’m here for you, so is your step mom, your dad and Blake. We are all here for you.” He assures me.

I don't know if you're okay with this chapter. I had an emergency travel yesterday and I arrived late so I rushed it at midnight because I had to sleep then travel back today.

I'm sorry for the late updates tho. School work's really occupying me.

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