Happy ending for the Spade kingdom

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Helloooo💙 Damn you guys it took a year and a half but it's finally the ending chapter of this book. I just went through the chapters and I have to say I'm going to miss writing this book. It really was a journey for me and damn I wish I could've done more to this book. Btw sorry if this is incredibly short I just wanted to give a proper ending But I hope you're pleased with the book it became and I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter of this book💙❄️♠️

Arthur's POV

It's finally the day!!! The day I get to marry the love of my life!

Yes yes I know I technically already 'married' him when I became queen of spades but it doesn't count in my world. I want to officially wear a wedding ring, I want to be seen as a couple by my people and by other kings and queens. But more importantly I want to prove my love to him. At first when I told him about my idea for an actual marriage he of course said the thing most people say about the subject 'we're already King and Queen of spades. We don't need marriage'. But it didn't take me long to convince Alfred it was a way to show he genuinely loves me.

Basically everything has been amazing. Matthew moved in with Gilbert becoming the 'Queen of Jokers' (Not a real thing but Gilbert is keen on the fact that we call him that). Otherwise he and Lovino both got new roles. Lovino became Ace of hearts, Matthew becomes Ace of Spades. Matthew comes to meetings with Gilbert because he is the only one that can keep Gilbert calm and Matthew can easily get them deals and produce from other kingdoms without threatening them. Either way they are both very happy and considered getting married soon after us

Francis kept his end of the bargain and stepped down from his place on the throne. Lily married Ivan's sister Natalia, who started getting a mark as soon as Francis stepped away. Where Francis is now I wouldn't know. But I don't have to fear as Alfred holds me close every night assuring me there are guards in the front and back of the castle. They can easily take down one man and even if the can't Alfred will take Francis out.

Other than that everything was quite bland. But now that the war is over Yao and Ivan got together and is quite happy with their relationship. They still visit each other often and still shares the same room. Alfred and I took care of the old castle. He can't see the past King and queen as he is future and I'm past and present. He without much effort can see the future us happily going through the castle or playing in the woods. He even admitted seeing us in the village as two grey haired ghost like figures happily walking around and buying groceries. He says he expects we'll be together for the rest of our lives.

Having talked about Alfred's powers it took a while for Matthew and I to explain it's hard in itself to go into the future. Not even talking about how hard it is to get back to the present. But instead we got him a gadget (as a marriage gift) that makes it easy to go back and forth but the maximum you can go forward is 12 hours. Nothing more than that else the clock overworks itself and breaks. He doesn't know about it through as it's a surprise. So far he has learned to use his powers in different ways...

He knows what you're about to say before you say it. He doesn't have to read books anymore as he knows what they'll be about and a lot of other things. He's also like a fortune teller. Like a few days ago I was working on the garden as he was giving them water. He before I could even step in the mud told me not to step there as I will trip and fall. I of course didn't listen to him as I thought he was being over protective but indeed I did fall and he luckily caught me right away. He held me close kissing my forehead. He won't let that go. He also uses this in video games where he figures the puzzle out in like a minute when it's supposed to last you like a good five minutes. This also causes him to be bored most of the time but I usually keep him busy by asking for 'help' on my paperwork then we cuddle.

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