i. start

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After the fire, I was lucky enough to be able to survive. I was 11 years old at that time and Fred, our family's chauffeur, found me just in time to take me to the hospital. Our house burned down and not even a single thing was salvaged.

     At such a young age, I knew those men took away everything and got what they wanted. The only material thing left to me was the huge amount of money transferred to my bank account. Although, I wouldn't be able to access it until I'm 18.

     Me being alive was still a miracle. After the tragedy, Fred and I moved away and I stayed in the shadows, keeping myself hidden for a while. For all we know, the men who killed my parents might come after me. Unfortunately, they hadn't been caught since. There was nothing the police could do other than promise me that they will find whoever killed both my parents. I wanted to believe them. However, I knew it was all a lie. My family's close friends and colleagues held the funeral. I never had the will to go because I knew I would break down right then and there and I couldn't be able to erase all those terrorizing memories. I've lived alone for the past few years after my parents' death, although Fred visits me from time to time. And I appreciate him every time. He treats me like his own daughter even though he doesn't have a wife or a child.

     After taking a warm hot shower, I slipped on some casual boyfriend jeans, a black t-shirt, and my favorite black Doc Martens. I stared at my reflection in the mirror in my room. I had straight black hair, pale skin, and dark hazel eyes. I had small almond eyes, depicting my Asian features. My mother was Korean while my father was American. Though I got the color of my eyes and the 5'9 height from my late father. I stared at myself one last time before I headed to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of Cheerios. Then, I grabbed my bag and wore my jacket on the way out.

     By the time I went out of the house, I saw Fred in his old Toyota pickup truck with a cigar in his wrinkled hand. I opened the car door and hopped in.

     "Ready for your first day?" He spoke.

     "Ready as I'll ever be," I replied, buckling my seatbelt as Fred began to drive. Fred was the only person I had left. He was as close as family. He took care of me all those years after that tragic day.

     Minutes later we arrive at my school. Fred halted the truck and I hopped out after bidding goodbye. "Do your best, kid."

     Time flew by fast as I am now a high school senior at River Fork High- a renowned school in our city.

     "Chace!" Ronnie Michel, my best friend, called. He was waving at me from the school's main entrance with that cheeky grin plastered on his face. Besides Fred, he was the only person I ever trusted. We became friends three years ago when I stood up for him when some people bullied him for being lanky.

     I came up to him and we walked together in the hall. He knew what I've been through and I was glad he didn't show any pity even though deep down he did but decided not to show it. He knew I didn't like to be pitied.

     "How was your weekend?" I asked him after we let go of hugging each other.

     He brushes his curly black hair and replies, "My parents were out of town so I babysat my devil of a sister the entire time. That's my weekend."

     I laughed, punching him in the shoulder playfully. "That sounds terrible."

     "How about you? I heard Isabella invited you to some party Saturday night but you turned her down."

     "Nah, I'd rather spend my night in than go to a wild-ass party."

     "But Isabella likes you, Chace! Can't you take the hint? Come on, she's hot. " Ronnie grumbled, feigning annoyance. He knew I liked girls and he was surprisingly okay with it. He told me falling in love has nothing to do with gender but everything to do with connection. And right at that moment I-hands down- knew he'd be my friend forever. Oh, and didn't I mention he was also gay? He supported me and even urged me to date a few girls our year who hit on me although I kept rejecting all of their advances. Then Ronnie stopped, knowing I'll just keep on refusing the girls.

     I rolled my eyes at him, "Going to that party is just an excuse for a bunch of horny teenagers to make out. I'd pass any time. And besides, Isabella's not my type."

     He hummed and tapped his forefinger on his chin as if thinking, "Hmm, what's your type then? Isabella's brunette so it should be blonde right? Oh, someone with a huge ass and tits? And long legs so that they could wrap it arou-"

     I slapped his nape, making him fake gasp, "Chace Henley, don't tell me you're a virgin!"

     That made me punch him hard in the gut. He was such a pain in the ass sometimes, "젠장!"

     I laughed at his puzzled expression. Of course, he didn't know a single word I said. I was throwing expletives at him in Korean. It was actually my first language. I was born here in America but that didn't stop my mom from teaching me the language of her mother tongue. Even when I was little, she was so strict in teaching me that it made me cry sometimes. However, I gradually learned and instantly became a pro. It made me feel grateful because I got to learn half of my lineage. And one of its perks was being bilingual which meant I could easily switch languages. Not to mention, it was sometimes an advantage for me because I could casually talk shit about that person without him or her knowing what it meant.

     "Hey, what the hell does that mean?!" 

     I blew him a raspberry, "How 'bout you learn Korean, then you'll know. For the record, I've hooked up with hotter girls than you did with the guys."

     Ronnie huffed, "Tsk, one day, Henley. One day I'll beat you."

     I smirked at him, "We'll see about that, Michel."


     "What's up, Ronnie with a bonnie?" I spoke to my best friend at lunch who was busy typing something on his laptop. I sat right across from him and ate my BBQ drumsticks peacefully.

     "I'm currently having the worst time of my life, thanks for asking." I looked at him as I ate, his brown eyes focused intently on his work. "For fuck's sake, someone needs to stop Mrs. Gerard from handing bulk homework. It's not even the second week yet! Geez, what a bitch."

     I smirked, "Lucky me, we didn't have Mrs. Gerard's class a while ago since the new teacher's going to replace her tomorrow."

     Ronnie looked up from his laptop with his eyes wide like a saucer, "What?! How come? That's so unfair! Why didn't they do the same with mine?"

     Shrugging, I replied, "The way Mrs. Gerard's walking like a hunchback, that old geezer has too many classes on her back. It seems fitting enough for the school's decision to give some of her classes to a new teacher."

     He took a bite from his chicken and let out a heavy breath. "Why are you always so damn lucky, you black-haired big toe?" I laughed while he whined like a schoolboy.

     Finishing my last BBQ drumstick, I stood up from my seat. "I'll see you later, snot sucker. Good luck with Mrs. Gerard's Calculus homework."

     Hours passed and it was finally the end of the first day. I breathed a sigh of exhaustion and scoffed to myself. It was only the first day and I already felt drained. How much more could I possibly take for the next few months? Ronnie caught up with me right after his last class. "Come on, I know a pizza parlor that just opened right down the block," he told me as we walked.

I saw Fred's truck parked by the sidewalk outside. "I forgot to tell you Fred's actually picking me up today. I'm accompanying him to the hospital for his annual check-up."

"Oh, alright. Next time then," he patted me on the back and walked towards the parking lot, "Say hi to Fred for me. See 'ya, girly!"

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