xxiv. consider

917 33 13

c h a p t e r t w e n t y - f o u r

By morning, Isabella left, telling us that she was going Heather's to finish the project they've been working on for extra credit. Ava and I were currently heading to the hospital for my appointment with Dr. Marx. We got there in no time and began with the check-up. Dr. Marx knew that I've been staying at Ava's place for the past week although I wasn't sure how he was alright with it, seeing that from an outsider's point of view, it was slightly awry to be living with a teacher. On the flip side, he seemed like he didn't care as long as I had an adult watching over me.

     After the analysis, I was free to go. I thanked Dr. Marx before leaving his office and closing the door. There Ava sat on the metal waiting chair and as soon as she saw me get out, she stood up, slinging her coat over her arm.

     "How did it go?" She asked.

     "It went great," I shrugged at her, "He told me to take the over-the-counter pain relievers if I ever had any headache but since I haven't had any, I'm returning back to school on Monday."

     Ava sighed in relief and smiled, "Thank goodness then."

     We walked out of the hospital and straight to the parking lot. As we trod towards her car, I commented, "You won't be stuck with me anymore, I guess."

     "Well, you're a pain in the ass sometimes," the blonde quipped which made me laugh just as we got into the car.

     I began poking at her, grinning, "Aren't you going to miss me though, Ms. Huntington?"

     Ava smiled sarcastically, "When hell freezes over, Chace."

     I let out a half-laugh in reply. She was cute. Deep down I knew I'll be going to miss her sleeping across the room and making me meals every day. She probably feels the same but won't admit it.

     She revved up the engine and began driving us out of the carpark. I watched her maneuver the steering wheel while her eyes were focused on the road. God, even that turned me on.

     We were silent for a couple more minutes. I didn't mind it. I was actually thinking about what's going to happen between us and how I'll bring the topic to the table. It was kinda distressing because I was afraid she'd reject me. And boy, I don't handle rejection well.

     She might say she had a good time kissing me three times and then say it won't happen again. I knew I was reasonably overthinking this but you can't really help overthinking things like that, especially if it involved the person you really like. I just wanted to think of all the possibilities that would happen first if I had to make a certain choice of action.

     We stopped at a red light once and took a couple turns until we finally reached the carpark outside of the condominium building. We soon found an empty parking space and she parked then with the hood of the car facing front.

     I mentally inhaled a breath as I gave her a side glance. I might as well try and rip it off like a band aid.

     "Ava," she turned her head to face me, her eyebrows slightly lifted.

     I continued, "are we gonna talk about this thing? Between us?"

     Her mouth hung ajar, as if she was somewhat caught off guard with my question, before she pressed her lips into a thin line. I instantly took it as a sign of her not wanting to talk about it so I waved it off and feigned laugh, looking away from her, "Never mind, pretend I didn't say anything. That was stupid."

     She didn't turn off the car and we just sat there inside. I snapped my head towards her direction when I felt her right hand rest on my thigh.

     "No, it's not stupid, Chace. You have the right to bring it up."

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now