x. liaison

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Two days later after that spin-the-bottle night, everything was as normal as it could be. Ronnie and Dylan dropped me off that evening and from what I've noticed with their not-so discreet touching before we reached my apartment, I knew they couldn't wait to be alone. Ronnie admitted to me they were official and I couldn't be any happier for him. Dylan was a good guy, a perfect match for Ronnie. And I've never seen a problem with them getting together.

That night, I was thankful I didn't have the nightmare but I wasn't glad either when Ava started to occupy in my dreams. I didn't know if my mind was playing with me but it sure as hell knows what it's doing. On the bright side, my dreams of Ava was like the opposite of my hellish nightmares.

It was my free period and the last hour of the day so I was currently in the library. It was the only quiet place where I could peacefully chill and sleep before heading to soccer practice. Since the school was well-funded, the entire room had a second floor. The first floor contained four sections: the internet, periodical, processing, and reference section. Most students occupy the first floor because it had everything they needed for their studies. On the flip side, the second floor only consisted of fiction books made for entertainment. Students rarely go up to read those books. I mean, as disappointing as it may be, teenagers don't want to read on dead paper when they have smartphones that have social media in it.

I spend most of my free periods here either to study or sleep. Although I mostly do the latter. I was at the top of the stairs. There were no signs of any students on the second floor as I looked around empty aisles and study tables. At this time of the day, I doubt someone would come in. I reached the adult fiction section. It was at the very corner of the whole deck, perfect for my undisturbed chill time. It's kind of disturbing because there might've been a dead body lying here for weeks and no one would even notice. Hypothetically speaking.

I dumped my bag beside the wall and decided to read a book for fun. My fingertips ran over as I scanned through countless books stacked in the bookshelf and spontaneously picked out a book from the third shelf. I held the novel in my hand, the title cover facing on top. 'Liaison' it read. The cover of the novel was steamy and seductive. A homoerotic love story. It was two women holding each other in their arms naked.

How the hell did this end up in the school library? Was it even allowed? I thought.

I lied on the carpeted floor with my head plopped comfortably on my bag. I shifted my left foot on top of my right cleats. I was already in my soccer attire so I could go directly to practice without going back to the locker room to change.

I plugged my earphones on and opened a random page in the middle. My eyes raked over the paragraph as I silently read.

"Call out my name, Erin." She slowly kissed her inner thighs, ardent, and burning with intense passion. Her lips lingered above her femininity. Erin moaned and tugged at her dark hair.


"Again, Erin."

The other woman sighed breathlessly, biting another moan.


This was hot. The woman, named Maxine, was teasing her lover, Erin, to the point where she's craving the undeniable desire. After reading for a few seconds, I flipped to another random page.

Erin enveloped her in her arms, pulling the girl tighter to her. Timing has never been their strong suit. However, embracing her made every little broken piece stick back together. Maxine was never just her student. She was the person at the end of her red thread. She was her fate.

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