vi. afterschool

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c h a p t e r s i x

I changed into some black jeans, an oversized band shirt, and Chucks. It was Monday, the second week since school started.

I ate my breakfast at Macy's, the local diner, before Ronnie picked me up. After Isabella fell asleep Friday night, I didn't stay much longer and left her house. I rode a cab and went straight back home to sleep. I knew she'd be upset when she found out Saturday morning, I wasn't in bed with her. It was just a hookup so I didn't bother to leave.

During the ride to school, I told Ronnie what happened at the party. I did not want to tell him over the phone because telling him in person was a lot better.

He shrieks like a strangled goat, stating that he was jealous I got laid and he didn't.

I laughed. "You'll get boned soon, Ronnie Bonnie," I uttered to him once. He parked his car and we part ways and headed to our designated classes.

When I got to Chemistry first, I sat down at the back of the room. Isabella walked in and as soon as she spotted me, she sat down beside me.

"Hey, Chace," she smiled.


"Uhm, I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask why you left early in the morning."

I wasn't sure how to answer that. It was because I wasn't the type of person to stay after sex. Some girls get the wrong idea and expect the other person to sleep in, cuddle with them, and have breakfast together. Then they'd grow attached to you and develop feelings. And I didn't want that. It was the last thing in my mind for sure.

I sucked my breath and decided to be straightforward. At least she'd swallow the truth and get the idea that I wasn't as interested in her as she was in me.

"Listen, it was a one-time thing, Isa. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up. I like you and you're a great girl and you need someone who cares for you deeply. And with me, I can't provide you that."

She smiled again. But this time, I could tell she was disappointed with my answer. "Oh, okay. I understand."

I raised my brows, "Are you sure?"

Isabella nodded vigorously, covering the obvious dismay on her face, "Yes, it's totally fine."

The teacher entered and started to discuss, making all of us fall silent. I sighed. This was going to be another long day.


Yes! It was finally lunch. Only three more periods to go. I sat down across from Ronnie who was already on our usual table.

"Girl, I was planning we could maybe go to that new pizza parlor we haven't gone to yet," my best friend said. I settled the tray in front of me and grabbed a bite of my huge hamburger, "Yeah, I'm down."

"Thank god, cuz I'm craving so bad for pizza," he comments, making me smile.

Then suddenly, a jock two tables away from us stood up and chaffed at me, "Hey, Henley! Want to hear a joke about my dick? Never mind, it's too long." Some students laughed at the poorly made joke. The guy bumped fists with his friends as if in victory.

Ronnie sneered, "Oh, he's so going to get it."

"Hey, dickhead!" I called at him and he raised an eyebrow, "Want to hear a joke about my pussy? Never mind, you won't get it."

His face turned sour after what I just said, making me smirk and wink at him. That got everyone to 'oooh' and laugh. The jock returned to his seat and shut up instantly.

"That's my bitch right there!" Ronnie grinned proudly. He made a duck face and clapped furiously at me which made me snicker.

I knew I should've done it the right way and make the right call but when someone derided and ridiculed me, only a weakling would suck the mockery up and let it go. And I was definitely not going to be that vulnerable teen that they could easily prey their hands on.

Lunch was over so Ronnie and I part ways. I was off to Ava's class. By the time I reached her classroom, I shuffled in together with the other fourth period students and took my seat. As soon as all of us were settled, she began her discussion without missing a beat.

When I said Calculus was hard, it was worse than I thought. Ava was writing equations on the board and made a sample solution to the first equation.

Then, she started explaining how it led to the answer, "To integrate a function, we should remember the basic formula of some basic functions. The following formula will be applied to find the integral of an exponential function."

Somehow, her voice drowns out in my head. I felt bad. Even though she was able to make the subject less intolerable, the lesson just did not sink into my brain.

I loathed everything about the subject. Why do we have to learn about all those calculations when we won't even be using it in real life? Tell me, what kind of job requires for someone to use ∫axdx=axlna+C?

"Alright, I want everyone to answer the last three equations written on the board. I'll be giving you blank sheets of paper so you can pass it in the back." Ava then started handing out the papers to the front. "You have 30 minutes to finish it before turning it in. It will serve as your attendance for today."

I took a sheet and hand it to my back. I held my pen with my left hand and began tapping it on my desk apprehensively as I glanced around at everyone who seemed to know exactly what they were doing. I didn't actually have any friends in the class to ask for any answers. And if I'd ask, they'd likely think I'm conceited.

Ava was walking around, observing the students as they answered quietly. She was trudging by my aisle so I pretended to write on the paper. Then she paused next to my desk and said in a low soft tone, "Your pen is upside down."

I looked down at my pen. It was, in fact, upside down.

I smiled sheepishly at her and she just sighed, rolling her eyes, "Make sure you start answering the equations, Chace. Otherwise, you won't have attendance." She saunters back to the front, making me groan in silence.

30 minutes had passed and it was time to pass the paper. The others shambled in their seats to the front, handing their papers to Ava before leaving. Scratching my nape, I walked to the front and gave it to her. She viewed mine and said coolly, "It's all wrong, but thanks for trying anyway."

I grimaced, "I appreciate the obvious fact, Ms. Huntington."

The last student gave her paper before exiting the room. It was me and Ava alone again.

"I'm starting to worry about how you'll do during the exams," she exhaled in dismay. She was on her seat behind the desk while I stood. I leaned in, placing the palm of my hands on top of her desk.

"I suck at math. How 'bout this, Ms. Huntington? I perform a sort on your variables, and you can analyze my performance?" I flashed her my best smile although she looked like she wasn't fazed by my charm. Ava clasped her slender fingers together and placed her elbows on the table. She tilted her head to gaze up at me, our faces centimeters only centimeters apart.

"Nice try, Chace. If I didn't know better, you're undeniably a smooth talker. And a good one at that." She smiled slyly as if she was challenging me into a battle neither could win. I was the first to pull away. I couldn't handle our close proximity at that second.

Then she chuckled at me with an amused smile as though the closeness of our faces almost to a point of kissing never happened. I begin to wonder if she was oblivious or if she was just acting.

Ava's cool voice broke me out of my trance, "Don't you have a class to get to?"

"Right." Without a second thought, I quickly moved out of the room. I didn't really know where to go. I had a free period after Calculus. I decided to stop by the restroom.

As I splashed water on my face, I studied my reflection on the mirror. I got flustered. And it was unlike me to get flustered, especially around girls. But she wasn't just a girl. She was a woman. She's got that playful eyes with a touch of innocence and she's got brains enough for two.

Ava Huntington, I don't think you know what you are doing to me.

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