xx. supervise

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c h a p t e r t w e n t y

    It wasn't long 'til we reached the hospital and my nosebleed had subsided. After we checked in, I was sent to the emergency department right away. Some tests later, I was in the doctor's office together with Ava. I was tapping my foot on the floor anxiously while she sat across me. We were sitting in front of the doctor's desk as we waited for the results. Dr. Marx came in with papers and sat on his swivel chair behind the desk and before he began, he asked Ava, "Are you her guardian?"

I watched as Ava shook her head, "I'm her teacher."

Dr. Marx continued and confirmed that I had, in fact, a mild traumatic brain injury. He clasps his hands together and fixes his gaze on me. "Chace, is this the first time you experienced a concussion?"

I sighed, "No, I did suffer a head injury when I was a child."

From all the games and practices in soccer, I was careful enough to avoid any accidents. It was because I did suffer a head injury, during that day. Those bastards hit my face so hard that I was almost seeing stars, and I was only 11 at that time.

Dr. Marx scans through the client information, "Alright. It says here you don't have a contact number at home."

"I live alone."

"Where are your parents, Chace?" Ava asked me this time, her voice evident with curiosity.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "They passed away."

I avoided Ava's gaze on me when she fell silent. I hated the fact that once people learn about my parents, they'd pity me which is why I never opened up. I was sure she's pitying me right now and I really didn't need it.

Dr. Marx spoke again, "I'm sorry to hear that, Chace. But if no one's supervising you, then who is?"

"I live alone but my-um my dad's friend, Fred, visits me from time to time to check up on me."

He heaved a sigh, "But technically, you live alone." I slowly bobbed my head in confirmation. He continued while looking between me and Ava, "I've listed some over-the-counter pain reliever to treat the headache. Chace, I need you to rest and stay at home. It's best to limit physical or cognitive activities that make things worse so it is only fitting that you should not return to school yet or do any recreational activities," he turns to Ava, "Ma'am, I highly advise that someone needs to monitor her closely at home for any persistent, worsening or new symptoms. I'm also going to follow-up on her appointments. Until then, she needs to stay at home and refrain from strenuous activities until I advise that it's okay."

At the time we were outside the hospital's lot, Ava told me someone needed to watch me at home and I insisted that I'll be okay on my own, however, she wasn't convinced at all.

"I said I'll be alright," I persisted but the blonde didn't budge. She reached out a palm, giving me a stern look.

I groaned, "Ava."

"Since this Fred is your guardian, we need to call him first to let him know what happened to you."

"Okay, fine." I fished out my phone and called Fred. I handed it to Ava and told her I'd wait in the car while she talked to Fred. He couldn't possibly fly back in the city just to look after me. He was thousands of miles away for his job and I didn't want to be a burden to him.

When I got in the car, I watched as Ava started talking on the phone. After a few minutes, she ended the call and hopped in the driver's seat. She handed me my phone back and I took it.

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