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Today was the day of the party out in the woods. We were all getting ready and devising up our plan to catch Katherine and finally get rid of her. I was nervous it wouldn't work because Katherine was annoyingly smart and would smell an attack from miles away. I was holed up in my apartment with Stefan making the weapons we would need to catch her with. So far, we had vervain needles, stakes, bullets, and vervain darts.

"You really think we can defeat the Katherine Peirce with all of this?" I said while looking at all the things.

"Add a little teamwork and she doesn't stand a chance," Stefan smiled. He was pretty confident that we would catch her but I, on the other hand, wasn't so sure.

We distributed all of the weapons to everyone on board. Stefan, Damon, Caroline, me, Elena, and even Jeremy. I guess with his hunter's instinct he was good at killing vampires and I think he just wanted to be included. We all had reviewed the plan over and over, fixing any flaws or holes that it might have had.

Stefan headed over to Elena's house while I went back home to get dressed. For the plan to work it had to look like there was no plan. I didn't know how I could pull it off since Stefan was my basically only friend and he was gonna be with Elena the whole night.

When the night had started, I texted Stefan that I was heading to the party and we should meet there. When I arrived, there were many underage drunk teenagers everywhere. This definitely wasn't my scene.

"Mel, over here!" I turned to my left and saw Elena wave at me. She was standing with Caroline and Bonnie. I smiled and walked over them to say my hellos.

"Great party huh," Caroline turned to me.

"By great, you mean drunk teens everywhere and cheap beer then yeah, it's great," I joked.

"Awe, don't be such a downer," I turned around and saw Stefan approaching me. "You know you love a good party in the woods," he continued. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. He went up to Elena and pulled her in for a kiss and my eyes moved to the ground.

"We'll see you guys later, I have to find Tyler," Caroline says as she gave Bonnie and me a look. We both looked at each other and nodded as we left the couple alone. Our plan was set in motion.

Caroline had left with Tyler and Bonnie left with Jeremy which left me completely alone. Alone at a high school party. Embarrassing. I decided to just walk around and 'observe' everything as I kept my eye out for anything suspicious. As I was walking around, I spotted Stefan and Elena again. They were talking and he had the widest smile on his face and so did she. I loved how happy they made each other, envied it too.

"Intensely staring at them, that's so creepy," I heard a voice from behind me say. I almost jumped from being startled and when I turned around I saw Damon grinning.

"Can you not do that?" I huffed and started walking again and he ran to catch up to me.

"We're supposed to be looking for you know, Katherine," he whispered her name in my ear.

"I am. Not sure what you're doing though," I turned to say to him.

"I was watching you being jealous over Stefan and Elena," he smirked. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him. He was smiling and I knew he enjoyed annoying me.

" I am not jealous of them. I was just admiring how my best friend had found the happiness he deserved. So please just stick to the plan Damon," I turned back and started walking again.

"Alright, well if you want 'this' to be believable I better stick with you. It'll be sad if you're at a party alone," he jeered. I raised my eyebrows at him and scoffed.

The Mending Of Hearts | 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz