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"He's alive?" Lucia's eyes lit up and she was leaning on the wall for support.

"I don't know how, but he is," I gave her a faint smile and she beamed.

"That bloody fool," she laughed. "And he led us to believe he's been dead all along?" she huffed loudly.

"If we want him to stay alive then we should leave now." I grabbed my things from the table in the small motel room we took to meet in and I waited for her by the door.

"Once we save him, I will kill him for that," she joked.

"Count me in," I laughed. We walked back into my car and started our journey to New Orleans. The whole ride there, Lucia went on and on about Jayce and her voice was filled with excitement. I could tell she was still in love with him even after 85 years.

They met when Jayce and I had taken residence in England for a couple of years. They automatically had fallen for each other and they had the most epic love story I've ever seen. I was taking a risk calling her and asking her for help, I wasn't sure if she still cared about him let alone loved him. One would have thought a girl would move on from her dead boyfriend after eight decades but a love that great can never be forgotten, even with time.

"Do you think after all this time he would still love me?" she asked. We had been sitting in silence and that question came as a surprise.

"I don't think he ever stopped loving you. Do you still love him?" I turned to her. She sighed loudly and looked at me with a warm smile.

"He's the love of my life. Even after death, I've continued to love him, how could I not. All the other men came and went but at the end of the day, it was always Jayce." I gave her a quick smile then turned back to the road. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach after shes said those words. It was always Jayce. It made me think of Roger and it pained me.

I always thought he was the one, even when he died. He was my first love and I could never forget it. He made me feel safe and loved, even protected. I remember having moments where it hurt me so much that he was gone that I didn't wanna live anymore. I didn't want to live with the fact that his death was my fault. To live with the fact that I lost the love of my life.

But as much as I hated to admit it, he wasn't the one. Not anymore. I've been so afraid to fully admit to myself that it was Damon. It's always been, Damon. My whole life of pain and heartbreak has led me to what I've been yearning for all along. He was the one I loved, the one I wanted, the one I want to spend eternity with. Damon is the one.

"I'm sorry. I know this might bring back the memories of him," she told me. I turned to her and smiled.

"It does. But it doesn't hurt. Not anymore," I exhaled. Her mouth curved into a smile and she squeezed my hand.

"I'm glad."

We finally arrived in the Big Easy, or so they called it. The streets were filled with people and tourists walking in every corner. The city felt so alive and bright compared to Mystic Falls.

Lucia and I had been standing in the middle of the main street taking in all of the scenery and life. We didn't know where to start or how to even find Jayce but this was witch territory, one of them was bound to help with a small locater spell.

I saw a small shop from across the street that caught my eye. I knew it was run by a witch from all the signs advertising stuff like herbs and such.

"There," I pointed. Lucia turned her eyes to the direction my finger was pointing to.

"Let's hope the witches here are friendly enough to provide us with a spell," she muttered. She started walking to the shop and I was right behind her. When we entered, the place was empty but was filled with knick-knacks and witchy objects.

The Mending Of Hearts | 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now