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I'm standing by my car, my hand hovering over the handle. I was to infiltrate the witch den, and I was afraid to do so. More for my friend's sake rather than mine. It was quite impossible to kill a witch, especially a group of them. I knew I had to be smart about it if I wanted to come out victorious.

Damon ended up spending the night when I accidentally fell asleep on him. The mark was exhausting me more and more, but I refused to tell them for fear that they would stop me. It was hard to move and stay awake, but I pushed myself forward. If I was going to die, I wanted to go down fighting.

When I got inside my car, I drove to where Jayce asked to meet. It was a small restaurant on the outskirts of town. I found him sitting in a booth, his eyes focused on a spot on the table. As I studied him from afar, he looked tired. His dark hair was ruffled, going every which way. His body was slumped, and his hand was anxiously tapping on the table. 

"Hey," I said as I approached him. Jayce looked up and smiled, standing and pulling me in for a gentle hug.

"You okay?" he says into my hair.

"Peachy." He laughed and released me. His eyes roamed my face and body as he checked if I was okay. I pulled away and sat down across from him, crossing my arms on the table with a sigh. "What's up?"

"When are you going?" he asked, jumping straight into it. I grabbed a menu at the end of the table and pretended to look through it.

"Soon." I could feel his glare across the table.

"Soon? How soon? What the hell does soon mean?" 

"Repeating the word three times doesn't get the message across faster," I said lightly. He closed his eyes and shook his head, already exasperated with me. "Look, Jay, I will go whenever I'm going. I'll get the blood, and I will be back."

"You're being vague. It's unfair."

"Vague gives me peace of mind knowing you cant follow me."

"You're ridiculous," he scoffed, anger leaking through his usually calm features. He abruptly stood and marched to the door, leaving me staring after him. I ran out and followed him to find him leaning on the wall at the far end of the restaurant. He was bent over, his hands on his knees and his eyes shut.

I carefully approached him and stood a few feet away. I didn't know what he wanted from me. I knew if I were to be fair about all of this, I would risk losing him. "I'm gonna be okay," I said quietly. He still didn't move, but I knew he was listening. "You have to trust me on this. I have survived 85 years without you, and I've dealt with worse than a few witches. I need you to trust me."

Jayce heaved a sigh and then stood straight, staring off. "It's not that I don't trust you. I don't want to lose you. You fail to understand the difference between the two. "

I swallowed, then turned my gaze away. "This is not supposed to be easy. Just let me do this and get it over with. I won't be able to do it if I'm worried about you following me. Promise you will stay out of it." He clenched his jaw but turned to look at me. His light brown eyes were replicas of mine, glistened with tears, and my chest felt heavy.

"I disagree with this. But fine, if it eases your conscience, I won't follow you. I promise."

I nodded, then we both turned to stare off into the distance in silence. There was nothing else to say, and words felt too hard now. All there was to do was wait and hope.


I had promised Damon I would see him before I left, but I never did. I was staring at my phone, looking at all the missed calls and texts. They went from being worried to being angry. I shut it off and shoved it in the glove compartment of my car. I wasn't good with goodbyes, and this sure as hell felt like one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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The Mending Of Hearts | 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now