Adventurer regestration and trouble in the upper floors

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As bell woke up early in the morning as a a force of habit he noticed that he was asleep on the bed as his goddess was made to asleep on the couch due to his exhaustion. Bell: " aw man what have I done." Bell said to himself as he felt guilty for making his soon to be goddess sleep on the couch. Bell: "I guess I'll have to make it up to her." Bell headed out to a near by market to buy some groceries to make the perfect culinary confection she had ever had for breakfast.

Hestia awoke to a delicious smell coming from below. She then proceeded to head down stairs towards the dinning room where she saw a wide spread of numerous breakfast dishes. Bell: " so I'm sorry for making you sleep on the couch last night. It was wrong for me to do since I'm trying to be contracted into a familia with you, so please don't change your mind!"

Hestia looked at the food and back at him then laughed. Hestia: " are you serious why would I get rid of some one as kind as you especially since all the things you've done so far has helped my way of life in gekai quite a bit. I've never had this much food before and the places I've stayed never looked this fancy. Even though I haven't put a status on you yet I feel as if I'm already a familia that has made it big!" She said with a cheery tone in her voice.

After breakfast they head to her room where everything is now organized. Hestia: " ok lay down and we'll get started."

Bell cranell
Age: 14
Race: human/vampire
Occupation: adventurer
Level: 1
St: 0
De:  0
En: 0
Dex: 0
Agi: 0
Mag:  0
Magic: (form) allows one to change objects shape. It can also be used to craft items. Can only work if all supply's are acquired if you wish to craft an object

Skills; (Instant master) a skill only possessed by a few in crannel family history. The whole crannel family may all be talented geniuses in many different skills but it takes a while to completely understand all knowledge and experience for  something. However as the name of the skill implies it allows mastery over any skill. However mastery over something that involves physical labor such as fighting would require your body to be in a strong physical condition or severe bodily harm will come to you.
(Mana pool) a vast supply of mana and ability to draw in mana from out side sources such as nature or people. This skill is due to vampire inheritance
(Alchemist) the ability to examine all things and break them down to an understanding.
( silence ) ability to perform magic with no chant.

With a look at Bell's stats Hestia can only be more and more amazed with him with each passing moment. Bell: " so um can I go now?" Bell said with Hestia still sitting on him looking at his back with amazement. Hestia: " hm? Oh right of course you can go." She said not realizing she was still on his back."

Bell headed to the guild to register as an adventurer and to head straight down after being certified.
Once there he was assigned eina tulle as his advisor for she was commonly known as one of the few who aid rookie adventurers or in Bell's case a newbie. Eina: "since your starting out its best to stay on floors 1-3 the maps to those floors are free if you need one, and overall don't bite off more than you can chew understand?" Bell nodded. Eina: "okay good now stay safe." As bell went off eina's habd floated in the air realizing that this was because of an urge to pet him for his rabbit like appearance.
Bell's thoughts: 'yeah right as if I'm staying on these floors.' Bell was now at floor seven where monsters had gotten stronger past five. This was nothing to him as he was skilled in many martial arts and different mastery in every weapon. He decided to wear light cheap looking armor with two short swords and two knives. He preferred these weapons for times when you have to fight in tight spaces and with smaller weapons it will be easier to move. As bell was walking by he caught site of a monster being born. With a swift strike he took it out with ease. Bell looked at the spot where the monster was born and was thinking on how was it that monsters were capable of being born from the earth. He pressed his hands against the wall and used his skill to determine what the walls were made of. It turned out that it was just normal earth sediment. However there was something else within the walls it felt like small specs of many like magic stone but it was more like dust than stone. That's when bell came to a conclusion. If the dungeon is alive as some people say then it's condensing all the mana sediment to make magic stones and varying on size and location as well as mana in the stone it can determine a monsters strength. Why location in the dungeon makes a monsters strength is because  of the hardness of the wall. With the hardness of the wall  that determines the monsters  strength is simple. The dungeon has to work harder and harder to condense the mana into a stone which makes the monster stronger because of the magic stones strength. Such as the strength of a gem on the hardness scale the stronger the better. In case the stronger the magic stone the greater the monster.

Bell was so lost in thought thinking about this that he hadn't realized something was off.there was no sign of any monsters this was odd seeing as he was easy prey to get the jump on with being distracted for quite some time. Then he heard it.
" Rooooooooaaarrr!!" " Heeeeeeeelllp" Bell: " a minotaur?" Bell said to himself seeing as there was one charging right in front of him chasing a small group of adventurers.. Then suddenly as if the adventurers were yanked away by an invisible rope the took a sharp turn leaving the Minotaur to chase him instead .

Bell knew that most people would see someone like him as someone who was about to die, but if anyone who truly knew him would just sit back and watch. Bell didn't want the Minotaur to chase after anyone not because for the sake of their safety, but because he wanted this prey all to himself . He led the monster all the way to an empty room he had passed by earlier therefore leaving little room for it to move side to side and giving it one place to run away if it chose to. Then the fun began. Bell used his magic 'form' on his two short swords to increase their strength so as to be able to cut through its strong hide. The Minotaur made the first attack with a right straight forward punch to bell's chest. Bell smiled. Bell's thoughts: 'to easy'. Bell simply side stepped twisting his body around making a slash attack cutting the monster in half. There was nothing left but the blood, ash, and magic stone of the monster. Bell was proud of himself until he saw two people in front of him drenched in blood.

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