Chapter Seven

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They took their next day slowly, Roxanne letting them sleep yet. Maddie grudgingly woke up around 10 and made herself breakfast, not wanting to wake up the others.

"Morning sunshine," James trudged outside, his voice still raspy from a night of sleep.

Maddie nodded and handed him an or she slice, then sitting and enjoying each others presence in the quiet.

"Trouble today?" James asked, breaking the peace.

"It'd be my pleasure," the blonde grinned.

With no Roxanne in sight, the two rummage through the house, finding something to interest them. It was all too boring, until the found a stack of nice Italian wine, champagne, and even some beer.

"What's all that ruckus?" Fred complained, dragging his tall body into the room, "Oo, jackpot."

"This was strictly against Ted's wishes," Roxanne whines. She left the place for only a few hours and they had ended up getting their arses into mischief.

"Well, if we invite a few friends, the alcohol is really a small amount," James stated.

"He's right you know," Fred agreed.

"I'm not winning am I?"


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