Chapter Twelve

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    Every table was buzzing with excitement, talk of the first Quidditch game of the year. And it was Gryffindor against Slytherin, the big rivalry as some would say. 

     Head Captain, 7th year Blyke Wood, had the Gryffindor team up and early at 4:30 am for a practice and team bonding. 

     "That was exhausting," Fred murmured as James and Maddie walked to the Great Hall with him. 

     "Keep your head up Freddie, games tonight," James beamed proudly, as if the team was his own. There was a lot of talk about who would be team captain after Blyke graduated, and James seemed sure it was his spot to take. 

     "Come on Fred, it's not that awful, we've still got breakfast in front of us," Maddie gestured to her curly headed friend, who's face perked up at the mention of breakfast. 

     When the three sat down at the table, Roxanne looked up from her book and smiled, taking in the sight of her three friends. Fred's eyes lit up as he glanced around the table for breakfast, before Maddie slapped his hand away, reminding him to eat good before the game. Maddie's legs were bruised up from previous practices, Blyke had her practice dodging people and things for the snitch. Her hair had curly Qs springing out from the top of her head and her eyes seemed electric blue from the exhilarating practice. James stood confidently, his body slightly pressed against Maddie every once in a while, and that drew his confidence away rather quickly.

    "Well come on now, let's eat up," Roxanne gestured and three dug into food, James and Maddie steering away from sweets as they were told. 

     "Good luck out there," Oliver chuckled when his eyes fell upon the small drizzle of egg yolk dripping down Maddie's chin, but she grinned, before he took a napkin from the table and dabbed it off, causing Maddie to get embarrassed. 

    "I don't need the luck Oli, but I sure as hell won't wish you any," Maddie giggled, knowing she'd rather when no matter who she was dating. Oliver only chuckled, being kind and understanding per usual, offering her a quick kiss on the cheek then heading off to his own table. 

    "Disgusting. Revolting," James pretended to barf but Maddie only rolled her eyes. 

     "So it doesn't matter when those two practically feel each other up, but heaven asked me and Oliver pretend to like each other?" Maddie asked harshly, her finger pointing to a pair of fifth years practically making out at the table. 

     James only shrugs, "Well you see my love, you are just a little girl. If a girl. It's unnatural, you're just a baby." 

     Fred hit his friend in the back of the head, knowing damn well it only had to do with the fact Maddie was in love with someone else. 

    Their day seemed to last forever, but when the last class ended, every student burst into the halls, the Quidditch players scurrying to the field. 

    The year before, when Maddie was playing, it scared the hell out of James. She was a stick, and she was tiny, he swore it would take the breeze to take her off her broom, even despite the fact she was an impeccable seeker. Now, he watched as her clothes hugged in the right places, which seemed insane to James, how in the hell does someone make the bloody Quidditch uniform look good? Nonetheless, he was scared. If something was to happen to her, he still thought she might break. But he had faith in his team, and definitely had faith in his girl. 

    The wind was slightly crisp, the wind at that was getting stronger by the minute, but the team put on their goggles and smiled, knowing they were ready for this. Each played was announced and students cheered, everyone excited. 

    As the game went on, the two seekers were no other than Maddie and Oliver, though their body language out in the air lead no one to think that. The two were determined to win, and their respective teams were more than happy to see that. 

    James did his job as a chaser, veering through the air and greeting the ball into the other sides goal, the game being awfully close but Gryffindor was taking the lead. James and Fred worked like magic out there, though Fred was a beater. 

     Maddie's eyes looked into the snitch, and she smiled. She took her broom tightly into her gloved hands and veered down, quickly, but just enough for James to see her from the corner of his eye. 

    "Atta girl," James smiled as he watched the small blond dart toward the small golden blur, a smile he loved on her face. Just as James was about to return to his job in the field, Oliver sped up on opposite side of her, quickly heading to awards the snitch from the opposite direction. Out of no where, a bludger  was sent directly for Maddie and James heart rate increased.

     "Maddie watch out!" James screamed, but her eyes were farting between Oliver and the snitch, a bit of playfulness sinking into their atmosphere, but Maddie quickly flicked her direction back to the snitch.

   "Fuck, fuck," James whispered, watching the bludger speed towards her. One hit from thwt steel ball and Maddie's ribs were sure to break. Without thinking, he called for Fred's bat, who hesitated but threw it over, knowing James was determined to fix it himself. 

    Just as Maddie held the snitch in the brim of her fingers, a large WHAM echoed in her ears, she looked over to see the bludger sinking into Oliver's chest, and him falling. Maddie sped down and tried to catch him before he hit the ground. 

     She dropped the snitch and it fell to the ground, it's wings deactivated after her hands had caught it, she grabbed onto the hood of his robe, breaking his fall a bit as they reached the ground and tears brimmed her eyes. 

    "AND GRYFFINDOR IS THE WINNER. MADELYN AM-" the announcer finally sang, trying to shush the silence. But it was too late, Oliver was on the ground, a pool of red soaking his clothes and the rest of the world didn't matter as the nurses came to take him. 

    Her eyes darted up, towards a frozen James who held a broken bat in his hands, and a shocked expression on his face. 

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