The Day I Saw the Light to Fight

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The Day I Saw the Light to Fight

Hello insecurities!
Thank you for making me worthless.
For today I've realized;
No matter how I differ from others,
It doesn't matter as long as I am who I am.

Good day pain!
Thank you for the pierce needle you've done.
For today I've become strong.
It's okay to cry my sad tears out,
As it helps me to realized a lot;
You are the pain I welcomed and now goodbye!

Adios hatred!
Thank you for making me feel mad.
For today I've known, I shall forgive;
Let's forget the mad and hatred, we shall be forgiven,
As I know forgiving is as healing myself.

Hi there sadness!
Thank you for keeping me in the dark.
For today, I choose the path of happiness,
I'll start fighting and believing for I shall embrace the light;
The warm light that'll keep me alive,
I won't be dragged by you anymore,not in my watch.


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Thank youuu,mwah😙

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