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Requested by @Danraereece

Mark was a tiger hybrid.
How? when his parents adopted him the lady hadn't told them that he was a hybrid. They thought he was a normal child and raised him since he 1 years old.But on one faithful morning too parents were disgusted when there 12 year old woke up with ears and a tail.

Disgusted by there son's animal like appearance they disowned him and threw him out.The poor little boy had been wondering the streets for years until one day a man picked up the 15 year old and took him home with him.Mark thought that man was adopting him but was wrong.

The man used him sexually and then through him out leaving the hybrid in pain.The rest of his life went on like that for years , he was used and abused by his so called 'masters'.

Until one day..


"YOU STUPID BITCH ! YOU CAN'T EVEN PLEASURE ME RIGHT CAN YOU!" Mark's owner screamed as he grabbed the hyprid by the hair scraping his ears in the process making the other scream.

"You're a worthless piece of shit " His owner spat before throwing him threw the door  and closing it shut.Mark landed with a thud on the hard concrete and whimpered. He stood up shakily from the hard wet ground as rain poured heavily.

He touched his sore ear and winced . He brought his fingers to eye level to see it was covered in blood.He whimpered and cried as he walked around the city in pain looking for a place to sleep for the night. He finally found a clean paved alleyway to rest in.There wasn't any roof but he didn't mind because the cool rain soothed his injured ear.

He pulled his knees to his chest and curled up into a ball, tucking his tail in.He let out a little sob and that sob turned into full tears streaming down his face.He was alone and cold ,injured, raped  crying in an alleyway.He was basically broken.

He cried himself to sleep hoping he could just die right there.

He woke up when someone tapped his shoulder startling him.Out of instinct he backed away whimpering afraid that would hurt him." Hey , shh it's ok I won't hurt you " The stranger spoke in a soothing voice . " Mark looked up at the Man with glossy watery eyes.
"Y-you w-wont? " He says in a small voice.

" No , I promise "

The stranger held up a foward a hand to take and the hybrid hesitated. "Please....I just want to help. .." The stranger says with a worried face.
Still with hesitance Mark hold the strangers hand and he gets pulled up gently.

The stranger picks up and carries him before he starts walking. " W-wait no, please no . Please don't hurt me " Mark cries trying to get out of the strangers arms.The stranger tries calming him down but it didn't work .
" I promise I'm not going to hurt you !" He shouted causing the other to whimper and stop struggling.

The stranger looks down at the hybrid in his arms who looks like he's going to burst into tears and immediately apologises. " Look I'm sorry for but I'm just taking you to get you cleaned up " He says .

He stops walking when he gets no answer from the hybrid boy.He looks down to see he already passed out and sighs.

Mark wakes up in warmth and comfort and it scares him.Where am I ? He thought to himself when he sat up . He's in a warm bed with fluffy pillows.He tries  standing up but immediately fall back down as a splitting headache arrups.

"Ow fuck " He mutteredunder his breath shutting his eyes trying to stop the pain." Don't cuss " a voice says and Mark Jumps." W-who are Y-you and why am I here ?" Mark questions backing away into a wall , scared.

The man puts  down the bowl he was holding and slowly walks to the hybrid. " Calm down, I'm a hybrid doctor and I just want to check if you're ok " The stranger says softly.
"Please sit down "

The hybrid nods and sits on the bed.
The stranger sits next to him with the bowl which seemed to be filled with ramen.The sight of the ramen made Mark's stomach rumble, he hasn't eaten in weeks and he was starving.
His mouth watered at the sight of food and he looked up at the stranger with pleading eyes.

The stranger just smiled sympathetically. " Actually this is yours " The man hands Mark the bowl and he immediately starts eating,  his stomach slowly starting to fill.After finishing at least 4 bowls of ramen the hybrid sits with the stranger in his lounge.

" Now , I need you to tell me your name and age sweet heart " The stranger says sweetly and the tiger hybrid almost cries.No one has ever talked to him like that.He had a full meal a clean bath and fresh clothes on.For the first time in forever he wasn't starving or being raped.

He held back his tears as he answered. "I' m Mark, 21 " Mark says fiddling with his fingers." Well Mark you lot alot of blood and nutritions, who was your past owner ?" Mark freezes at the mention of a owner.
"I...don't know...they never told me they're names....just said I'm a slut meant to be used...." Mark was gonna burst into tears if it weren't for the stranger .

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that , I promise I can take care of you from now on....I'm Yuta by the way." The younger hugs Yuta back and for the first time....he feels...Safe. ..

Not edited whoops

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