Chapter 1-You're on

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Hey, my names Emily Smith. I'm just a normal girl. Or so I thought.

"Mrs. Smith."My teacher calls on me for the answer. I have ADHD and I loose focus easily.

"Sorry Mrs. Dawson. What was the question?" I ask. Mrs. Dawson is my nicest teacher, so she doesn't get upset with me.

"I asked if you know what note this is." Oh yeah I forgot to mention that this is grade seven music class. The years almost over luckily.

"It's a half note." I respond without a thought. This is definitely my best class.

"Okay...." My teacher goes on until it's finally the end of the day. The bell rings and we're dismissed.

"Finally. The weekend!" I cry when I meet up with my best friends Brandon and Josh outside. Josh laughs really hard.

"Where to?" He asks. I look towards Brandon, who just shrugs. I push him lightly."Brandon's place it is!" I cheer. He rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.———————————————————

"So you all want cheese pizza?" Brandon's mom asks. We all nod. She goes off to order.

"Okay. We need to plan what we're doing for the end of the year talent show." I say, getting down to business.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Josh says looking around nervously.

"Of course! Now, I think I should sing, Brandon can play guitar, and Josh can...... dance maybe? Maybe do weird things and make people laugh like you're good at." I pitch.

"I'm down." Brandon agrees. Josh agreed reluctantly too.

"Great! What song are we doing?" I ask. We go back and forth for a while, only stopping to eat. Finally, we decide on the song Hostage by Billie Eilish. We hang out, playing video games until 10:00 pm when Josh's mom calls him to come home.

"One more round before my mom calls?" I ask.

"You're on."

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