Chapter 14- How long do we travel west for again?(Read A/N it's very important)

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It's now.....

"5 must travel to the west, Loose one to a sleepless rest, The one of fire you must seek, the moon, the sun by the mountains peak."

"How long are we going to walk west for?" Josh complains again. 

"Josh. Shut. Up. I don't know." Brandon sighs, again.

"Stop arguing. I'm about to loose it." I glare at the two of them. You're probably wondering who my five were. Well, me, Brandon, Josh, Cecil from Hermes cabin, and Lou Ellen from Hecate cabin. I personally thought I did well. As the others were bickering behind me, I started to wonder what the lines of the prophecy could mean. 5 must travel to the west, check. Loose one to a  sleepless rest? What could that mean? I didn't realize I asked the question out loud until Lou Ellen answered.

"I hope no one has to die." She shudders.

"Don't worry Lou." Cecil grabs her hand. I smile at their cuteness. Brandon sees my smile, and grabs my hand as well. Josh rolls his eyes.

"Fifth wheeling much?" He teases. We all laugh, but the burden of this prophecy is already getting to us. I can tell we're all thinking about who's going to die. 

-----------------------(TIME SKIP)------------------------

"WAKE UP!" Josh screeches in my ear. I roll over, but am blocked by something. I half open my eyes, and I notice it's Brandon. I shoot up.

"What the......." I start.

"You guys fell asleep. So we decided to give you a blanket. You're welcome." He explains, helping me up.

"Well thanks. We should probably wake him up." I change the subject.

"BRANDON! GET! UP!" Josh screeches again. I hear groan from the two tents we had set up. Thalia Grace, one of Artemis's huntresses, had some extra ones from the hunt that she agreed to lend us. Once everyone was up, Lou Ellen gave us granola bars to eat. And boy, did we eat those granola bars. We packed everything up and set off again. I searched in my backpack and realized I had quite a bit of money and drachma in there.

"Anyone want some McDonald's?" I ask. Everyone cheers and we continue walking to the nearest McDonald's.

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