Chapter 15- Why are you eating McDonald's in California?!?!

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Since California was the most west we could go in the US, we decided to grab a plane and wait to eat there. We Iris messaged Percy, and he told us we shouldn't fly, since Zeus doesn't like his brother's kids. He also told us there's another camp in California, called Camp Jupiter, and the Romans live there. He told me to ask for Praeator Ramirez-Arellano, Praeator Zhang, and Centeurian Levesque. I don't know what he was talking about, but he said Hazel and Frank were part of the second great prophecy, and Reyna helped bring the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half Blood to stop a war between the two camps. We decided to take a plane still, and I prayed that just this once, Zeus would let us by flying. Of course, that's not what happened. There was turbulence the entire time, and once, the plane almost crashed. After what felt like forever, we finally landed in California, specifically San Francisco. Lou Ellen put the same spell she put before; covering us so it looks like we're not there. She also put a spell that stops the metal detectors for sensing us in case we had to go through one. We made it out the airport, and we were on our way to McDonald's. 

"FINALLY!" Josh shouts when we get there. I see a tunnel nearby with people in armour, so I assume that's Camp Jupiter. The guys start sprinting towards the McDonald's. Lou Ellen and I sigh at the same time, then laugh, then follow the guys.

"What does everyone want?" I ask once we're sitting. 

"MCNUGGETSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Josh shouts, getting stares from the people around us. I shush him and look around to see if people are still watching. That's when I catch his eye. I get up.

"NICO?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!" I shout. A lot of people start watching us now. Nico looks embarrassed. Suddenly, Will walks in. He doesn't notice the silence at first and starts talking about Camp Jupiter to Nico. He gets through almost a sentence when he notices the silence.

"Oh. Hi! Didn't know you guys would be here!" Will smiles. I calm down a little when Brandon grabs my hand. They walk over to our table, pulling up chairs, and people go back to their business.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask again.

"I came to visit Hazel, my Roman half sister at Camp Jupiter." Nico sumarizes.

"Oh." I reply. We order our McDonald's, then all head to Camp Jupiter together. 

Unfortunately, not even McDonald's could prepare us for what was to come.

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