Chapter 5-You liiiiiikeeee hiiiimmmmm

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I wake up quietly, hoping not to wake Percy if he's still here. I tiptoe to the bathroom, brush my teeth, get dressed, comb my hair and walk back out, not noticing Percy leaned against the wall.

"Not so fast. Thought you could run out." He teases. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I was actually trying not to wake you up, but your thing sounds cooler. So yes." I joke back. He smiles at that.

"I know your secret. You like a certain Hades boyyyyyy!" He mocks. I try hard not to blush and fail. I decide to mess with him a little.

"Yeah. Nico is amazing! I'm totally crushing." I say. His smile falters a little. I already knew Nico was gay, but Percy didn't know that. I mean, I saw Nico and that sunshine kid from before kissing before. He realizes I'm messing with him.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Plus, you're not his type." I give him a confused look, but he just shrugged.

"I don't know who you're talking about then." I say.

"I'm talking about Brandon. And you know I'm talking about Brandon." He says.

"Ewwww. I definitely don't like him." I gag for extra effect. He narrows his eyes at me. But decides to let it go. He goes to the washroom to change. I rush out of the cabin and let out a sigh, only to run into Annabeth.

"How many people am I going to run into at this camp?" I cry out. She laughs. 

"Sorry. I was just going to call Percy. He wasn't awake when I left this morning. Want to walk to breakfast together?" She asks me. 

"Why not?" I say. We talk as we walk.

"So. Tell me about yourself." She says.

"Well, I love music. That's for sure. My best friends are Brandon and Josh, who's actually half goat apparently? Don't know what that's about. I have a newly found half brother named Percy, and he has a girlfriend named Annabeth, but of course you already knew that because you're the girlfriend." I joke. She cracks a smile. Then I run into someone again.

"Oh my gods! What is wrong with you?! Watch where you're going punk!" The girl in front of me looks ready to fight. She had brown hair, aggressive eyes, and a strong build. But I've faced girls like her before.

"Nothing wrong with me. I don't really know about you though....."All the campers start oooing.

"Hey. What's going on here?" A guy comes and wraps his arm around the girl. 

"What's going on here, is that this new kid just insulted me." The girl is practically fuming.

"Clarisse, calm down." The girl, apparently named Clarisse, calms a bit. Note to self, get on her bad side when this guy is around.

"Fine. This isn't over punk. Let's go Chris." They walk away. Chris shoots me an apologetic smile over his shoulder.

"That was close." Annabeth let's out a breathe.

"I've dealt with kids like that before." I say.

"Kids of the war god? Or just big, bullies?" Annabeth asks, raising her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and we walk silently to the tables.

I sit at the table. It's only me for a minute, when a blonde boy joins with Piper. 

"Hi! We're technically not allowed to sit here, but you seem cool. Plus no one follows that rule anymore."She says. I notice Percy sitting with Annabeth, Nico, and the blonde boy at another table, along with a bunch of others that ignore them. 

"I'm Jason Grace. piper's boyfriend. If you want, you can join us." He gestures to the table with Annabeth and Percy. I look over to the Hades table.

"Bring Brandon too!" Piper says suggestively.

"Thanks! I'll get him." I say getting up with the plate of food.

"Want to sit with people?" I ask. 

"You know it." He says sarcastically, grabbing his stuff. We sit beside each other. Percy on my one side, Brandon on my other, and the other four across from us.

"I can't wait for you to meet Hazel, Frank and Reyna! They're super cool." Percy cheers. Suddenly, my mind goes blank. All I hear is :

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire the world must fall,
An oath to keep with final breath,
And foes bear arms to the doors of death.

Then I hear a bloody scream. I see Nico Di Angelo, but younger, beside a girl, who looks a lot like me. Then everything comes back to focus. I'm no longer at the dining pavilion.

"Where....?" I ask. I don't expect an answer, but I get one. 

"The infirmary. I'm Will." The blonde sunshine boy from before says.

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"You passed out at breakfast. Not sure why but you did. How do you feel?" He explains, checking me over.

"I feel fine. A tiny headache, but that's usual." I say.

"He's going to sentence you to stay here for 3 days. Then he'll tell you "doctors order". Right Will?" Nico says from the doorway. Will turns to glare at him. Nico puts his hands up in defence. 

"Anyways, I came here for a reason. Can I please let my brother in? He's being a real pain in my-"

"Just let him in. Quit your complaining already." Will says, already shoving Nico out the door. And I'm left alone. Only for a second before Brandon come crashing in.

"Woah. Hey. Dramatic entrance much?" I tease. He glares at me.

"I thought you died!"He says, looking really worried.

"FOR THE LAST TIME! IF SHE DIES, YOU WOULD HAVE FELT IT!" Nico screams from the other end of the door. Brandon rolls his eyes.

"But seriously, can you not do that again?" He asks.

"I want to say I won't, but I honestly don't know. At least we're prepared this time." I point out. He sighs.

"Fine. But someone is going to stay with you at all times. And right now that's me."

Half Sister-A Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus storyWhere stories live. Discover now